Kick me off and the site and you won't have to deal with me anymore

On this forum you can't post that you are going to fab something similar to a...

Say that I'm right and I'm gone. I've proven my point and it's correct.

You haven't proven anything other than the fact that you are a fucking idiot and a troll.

But more to the point that continues to escape your feeble mind. She didn't intentionally try to copy some manufacturer's existing net. She sat down and drew something up on her own and sourced specific materials that are not available in any existing finished product.

Moreover, comparing a net to sliders is just fucking asinine. Acting like EVO sliders are not unique in their design is equally fucking asinine. The former (netting) is ubiquitous; the latter (EVO's frame mounted double bar slider with angled ends) are anything but. Do me a favor Mr. Douche nozzle, post up pictures of every commercially available frame mounted sliders for JK's that use a stacked two bar setup with angled ends. After your search perhaps you will be man enough to admit that the design of EVO's sliders is not so commonplace. I doubt it though because you have a clear agenda here, and it's one that does not include intellectual honesty or integrity.
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This whole thread like the other slider one was completely fucked. There is a time and a place for this type of bullshit. Right here on the 8th slot, and not in some other innocent poster's thread.
You haven't proven anything other than the fact that you are a fucking idiot and a troll.

But more to the point that continues to escape your feeble mind. She didn't intentionally try to copy some manufacturer's existing net. She sat down and drew something up on her own and sourced specific materials that are not available in any existing finished product.

Moreover, comparing a net to sliders is just fucking asinine. Acting like EVO sliders are not unique in their design is equally fucking asinine. The former (netting) is ubiquitous; the latter (EVO's frame mounted double bar slider with angled ends) are anything but. Do me a favor Mr. Douche nozzle, post up pictures of every commercially available frame mounted sliders for JK's that use a stacked two bar setup with angled ends. After your search perhaps you will be man enough to admit that the design of EVO's sliders are not so commonplace. I doubt it though because you have a clear agenda here, and it's one that does not include intellectual honesty or integrity.

And it's Sharkey out if his corner with a RIGHT HOOK!!
And it's Sharkey out if his corner with a RIGHT HOOK!!

You crack me up.

Sharky, there is NO difference. There are nets on the market that this one will look like. You won't have a problem with it. His sliders looked like EVO's, you had a problem with them. What's the difference? Why do you think the person making the nets used the material they are using? Because it's what a lot of manufacturers use, and it works great, so why not use it? It will have the same "squared" pattern that all of them on the market have. If she would have sewed them on a diagonal pattern then bam, something different. But no, again, these will look like many on the market and you said nothing about it, and you won't.

"post up pictures of every commercially available frame mounted sliders for JK's that use a stacked two bar setup with angled ends. After your search perhaps you will be man enough to admit that the design of EVO's sliders are not so commonplace"

Not for JK, but many double tubed sliders out there. Evo is not the only one that can build sliders like this. So what you are saying is, EVO copied other manufacturers designs to make a slider for a Jeep Wranger and NOONE else can build something similar for their Jeep? If I need to move to China, you have to be from old time Russia. The dude built some damn sliders for his Jeep (AND ADMITTED TO BUILDING THEM SIMILAR TO EVO) and you gave him SHIT for it. She's building some cargo net for her Jeep, and doing a damn good job, and NONE of you got after her saying she is stealing from other companies and taking food off their table.

I believe doing this is against the rules, so sorry Eddie, for that. Kick me off if you please. Many double tube ladder style sliders out there, being built long before EVO made theirs. DISCLAIMER-I love the EVO sliders and have them on my Jeep, the best slider on the market.
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Congratulations. Since you couldn't stop derailing other people's threads, looks like you got one of your very own.
You crack me up.

Sharky, there is NO difference. There are nets on the market that this one will look like. You won't have a problem with it. His sliders looked like EVO's, you had a problem with them. What's the difference? Why do you think the person making the nets used the material they are using? Because it's what a lot of manufacturers use, and it works great, so why not use it? It will have the same "squared" pattern that all of them on the market have. If she would have sewed them on a diagonal pattern then bam, something different. But no, again, these will look like many on the market and you said nothing about it, and you won't.

"post up pictures of every commercially available frame mounted sliders for JK's that use a stacked two bar setup with angled ends. After your search perhaps you will be man enough to admit that the design of EVO's sliders are not so commonplace"

Not for JK, but many double tubed sliders out there. Evo is not the only one that can build sliders like this. So what you are saying is, EVO copied other manufacturers designs to make a slider for a Jeep Wranger and NOONE else can build something similar for their Jeep? If I need to move to China, you have to be from old time Russia. The dude built some damn sliders for his Jeep (AND ADMITTED TO BUILDING THEM SIMILAR TO EVO) and you gave him SHIT for it. She's building some cargo net for her Jeep, and doing a damn good job, and NONE of you got after her saying she is stealing from other companies and taking food off their table.

I believe doing this is against the rules, so sorry Eddie, for that. Kick me off if you please. Many double tube ladder style sliders out there, being built long before EVO made theirs. DISCLAIMER-I love the EVO sliders and have them on my Jeep, the best slider on the market.


First, NONE of those sliders are for JK's (at least you admit as much). But let's get to the nitty gritty.
The custom4x4 sliders for the XJ bolt to the spring hanger, pinch seam and frame rail.
The aftermarketjeep sliders connect to the body mount bolts.
The rocky-road sliders are also bolt-on.
The relentless fabrication sliders came out in 2011 (long after EVO's you fucking asshat!)
The white-knuckleoffroad sliders are bolt-on.
The puretacoma sliders, while available in both a bolt-on and weld together kit, are based on a rounded design. They are not based on the angular, industrial design that EVO uses. And again, NONE of those sliders have been made and sold for a JK.

But let's cut the crap. If you can't tell that this


is a pretty blatant copy of this


you are as blind as you are dumb. Hell, the guy admitted to making them "similar". But again, let's cut the crap. The real issue is that you think everyone should be able to copy anything they want so long as they don't sell it. I disagree. That's my opinion. I don't care whether you respect it, make it your gospel, or print it out and wipe your ass with it. Again, zero fucks given.

You are an amateur, go back under your bridge.
Did EVO come up with the double ladder tube design. No. They came up with it for the JK. Whatever his name is, came up with a similar design for his jeep. Do they look like EVOs? Yes they do. That is NOT my fucking point. You still don't get it. The person making the cargo net is duplicating many nets on the market. Why don't you have a problem with hers? My argument the whole time is you single people out for certain products. Again, those products are only EVO and Dynatrac. The same shit happened when Dana came out with the Ultimate 60s. Bashed on this site. Why, because it was Dynatrac that is liked around here.

Here you go: I've welded a set of these sliders on my buddies Jeep. Near identical to the ones built by mcgyvr. So in my opinion his look like Ace's not Evo's. Oh wait, they look like both Ace and Evo

I'll type it one more time. Read carefully-if you're going to give someone shit for building something that looks like another already on the market, don't just do it for a few brands. Do it for all brands, including cargo nets. This is why I called you out.
Did EVO come up with the double ladder tube design. No. They came up with it for the JK. Whatever his name is, came up with a similar design for his jeep. Do they look like EVOs? Yes they do. That is NOT my fucking point. You still don't get it. The person making the cargo net is duplicating many nets on the market. Why don't you have a problem with hers? My argument the whole time is you single people out for certain products. Again, those products are only EVO and Dynatrac. The same shit happened when Dana came out with the Ultimate 60s. Bashed on this site. Why, because it was Dynatrac that is liked around here.

Here you go: I've welded a set of these sliders on my buddies Jeep. Near identical to the ones built by mcgyvr. So in my opinion his look like Ace's not Evo's. Oh wait, they look like both Ace and Evo

I'll type it one more time. Read carefully-if you're going to give someone shit for building something that looks like another already on the market, don't just do it for a few brands. Do it for all brands, including cargo nets. This is why I called you out.

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