Jeepers who workout, weights and gym thread

Anyone take any supplements?

I stopped taking most supplements: pre-workout, protein powders, glutamine, creatine... I'd much rather get most my nutrition from natural whole foods.

But I do take:

Animal Pak - multivitamin
Glucosamine/MSM/Chondroitin supplement (have to keep the joints and tendons healthy if I want to keep lifting)

So what's your stack?

I still do. They're called supplements for a reason though - most of your nutrients SHOULD come from real foods. Still, I take a {[Whey protein (non spiked)] in milk} POSTworkout, {[Beta-Alanine, Glutamine, Creatine and BCAA's] - PREworkout} and a multi vitamin w/ fish oils, not a pack. I ALWAYS make sure to stock up on 2 months worth and look for the best bang for my buck.

Honestly though, the biggest fad proteins and biggest companies rob you of the nutrition you're going for, so it's best to find some quality supplements with ingredients you NEED, and not the fanciest labels with the fanciest proprietary mumbo jumbo marketing.

Timing is everything too.

That's me though - I think it's worth my time and energy because I've lost 20 lbs and gained strength past old plateaus this year alone since I stopped being a brand loyalist to Muscle Pharm or BSN who I thought were selling me quality nutrition and aren't.

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I agree with most of what you're saying. I used to hit a small PR almost every week on my main lifts while I was taking supplements, eating 4000+ calories a day, and getting enough sleep.Personally I've gone a different route. I recently changed my view on "working out" and that's probably why my opinions are changing.

I'm almost 23 and I'm probably done with lifting heavy. I know, I'm still young and I have a long ways to go. However, I don't see the point of lifting heavy anymore. I want to be able to have an active lifestyle when I'm older. I'm not saying that everyone who lifts heavy won't be healthy in the latter part of their lives but there's no doubting there's a higher risk of a lifelong injury. I guess this comes from the fact that I've suffered my share of injuries, some due to inexperience and some because its just the nature of the sport. Sport being Olympic Weightlifting. I've met bodybuilders to powerlifters to people who train crossfit. Each one of them can tell me a story of an injury they suffered or how a good friend had a serious injury. Yes, it scares me.

A very good quote that sort of got me on this path was, "You are not training, you are moving. And if you cannot move your body and control it, then what business do you have moving other objects outside of you if you cannot control your own self?" -Ido Portal

So now I've sort of moved away from heavy lifting and focused on more BW work. I want to do more of what this Ido Portal is doing here.

Sorry for the long post and some what irrelevant post. I guess I'm done with work for the day. I need to go home a rest up tomorrow is Jeep detail day! :crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes:
For me, lifting is a break from life. I dint lift to beat records or lift the heaviest... Each rep and each program is a unique challenge

Ive done DTP, Strength programs, hypertrophy programs and its a unique challenge each time. I lift to break down the old and rebuild the new and its great.

I agree though - injuries are devastating but I see them as a chance to correct a deficiency - I hurt my back squatting 425 and im back there avain but ive learned... im smarter, stronger and leas ego centric.

I like how the discipline applies to life in general - even jeeping!!

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I love doing CrossFit for the variance and intensity. I try to drop in at various boxes when I travel, but mostly do it out of my garage 4-5 days a week. Still trying to swing getting a C2 rower and Rogue rig (to replace my free half rack), but I have what I need to continue progressing in overall fitness. My only limiting factor is me - training time, sleep, etc.
I have been lifting for years and really enjoy is ... I also have nothing better to do when working in Camps up North. Question for you guys in the States and figured this may be a good thread to bring this up . We head across the boarder a few time a year usually to head to Moab or just down camping in Montana or a quick trip to Vegas .What are some of the supplement stores that are in the States ? I'm not a fan of the GNC in Canada and usually go to a local shop or Popeyes another large supplement store.... What is a good place to pick up goods in the States when I'm down there...?

I also order a few things online from a few shops that have worked out for me in the past .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk hands down. That's where i order just about everything

Cool , I have checked that out in the past but never ordered but will gone it a shot ... You guys get all the good stuff down south.... Supplements included.

Any stores ? Sometimes I have had issues ordering to Canada and figured if I'm down there I may stop into a few

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Cool , I have checked that out in the past but never ordered but will gone it a shot ... You guys get all the good stuff down south.... Supplements included.

Any stores ? Sometimes I have had issues ordering to Canada and figured if I'm down there I may stop into a few

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I've had some good luck at Vitamin Shoppe...they are hit or miss though depending on what you are looking for.
If you're in a brick and mortar store... look for the special mark downs on "expiring products". Generally they are within reasonable time frames for use and at a serious discount. Gnc and vitamin shoppe both have them. I call it orange sticker hunting lol
If you're in a brick and mortar store... look for the special mark downs on "expiring products". Generally they are within reasonable time frames for use and at a serious discount. Gnc and vitamin shoppe both have them. I call it orange sticker hunting lol

^^^^ Yes!!👍👌
Thanks guys ... As I mentioned I have ordered from a few sites but never . I have had good luck with a few and also not been able to order certain products as they are getting sent up North... More then a few brands have different ingredients for sale in Canada ..... Not usually for the better .

Keep the info coming.

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I used to order from back when they were the cheapest around but they're right on point with industry pricing now. Good company though
I've used or nutrition express always got my stuff on time and not expired or anything
Thanks guys ... As I mentioned I have ordered from a few sites but never . I have had good luck with a few and also not been able to order certain products as they are getting sent up North... More then a few brands have different ingredients for sale in Canada ..... Not usually for the better .

Keep the info coming.

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Try Canadian protien, charges a lot to ship in my opinion and prices aren't that much cheaper. Best bang for my buck has been Canadian protien and never had an issue with either one.
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