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Anyone take any supplements?
I stopped taking most supplements: pre-workout, protein powders, glutamine, creatine... I'd much rather get most my nutrition from natural whole foods.
But I do take:
Animal Pak - multivitamin
Glucosamine/MSM/Chondroitin supplement (have to keep the joints and tendons healthy if I want to keep lifting)
So what's your stack?
I still do. They're called supplements for a reason though - most of your nutrients SHOULD come from real foods. Still, I take a {[Whey protein (non spiked)] in milk} POSTworkout, {[Beta-Alanine, Glutamine, Creatine and BCAA's] - PREworkout} and a multi vitamin w/ fish oils, not a pack. I ALWAYS make sure to stock up on 2 months worth and look for the best bang for my buck.
Honestly though, the biggest fad proteins and biggest companies rob you of the nutrition you're going for, so it's best to find some quality supplements with ingredients you NEED, and not the fanciest labels with the fanciest proprietary mumbo jumbo marketing.
Timing is everything too.
That's me though - I think it's worth my time and energy because I've lost 20 lbs and gained strength past old plateaus this year alone since I stopped being a brand loyalist to Muscle Pharm or BSN who I thought were selling me quality nutrition and aren't.
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