Caught the Bug
I'm with mcpuck. :thumb:
I do however do 12 oz curls on a regular basis.
I'm with mcpuck. :thumb:
I do however do 12 oz curls on a regular basis.
I'm into Olympic weightlifting right now. I've been doing it for almost 10 months now and I'm almost at a bodyweight snatch. Just a few more kilos to go!
I'm a competitive power lifter and currently train 6 days a week. It's definitely the one thing I truly look forward to every day and I'm enjoying doing it while my body is still able to. My max lifts are a 525lb squat, 385lb bench press and a 600lb deadlift. I'm sure that will all go downhill as soon as I acquire my new Jeep though. Lol
Lifting 6 times a week takes a lot of focus. I mean one night out with friends and that ruins the next day...
So we're playing whose is bigger? I'll play!
Max at 170lbs BW: C&J-265lbs, Snatch-225lbs, Hang Clean-287lbs, Hang snatch-175lbs, Squat ATG-315x10, DL 415x5
Oh the memories!!
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I use to workout 6x a week than I tore my left side pec and I got a job where I work 15+ hour shifts so I haven't worked out since last Novemberwant to get back at it tho
I wouldn't consider myself a power lifter although I do try to introduce a lot of those techniques in my "bodybuilding" routine.
On a serious note , none of these PRs matter until you squat and jerk your hard top and man handle that thing back on after coming back from the gym at 12am lmao. Hoorraah!
Don't follow me, I'm lost too! O|||||||O
You're supposed to overhead press it and step into the Jeep. C'monnnnn lol
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