F#@k your forum and f@#k you too

This guy just won't quit! He has 87 posts total, first one was to win free shocks, last 80...this thread.... SERIOUSLEE? (insert Frank's famous meme here) must love the attention:hmm:
You guys really need to learn to shut your trap and be respectful, specially when you dont know who you talking to and who they are affiliated with. There are some pissed off people now.

If a mod sees this can you please delete this thread ASAP. Seriously, delete it now before stuff gets out of control.

no threats, just think it will be funny to see how your balls shrink when your talking face to face with someone.

I can't believe I just noticed these. Um, all I can say is don't hold your breath.
Lets see your work, oh wait, your a wanabe who buys all his parts I forgot. I bet you dont even know what your looking at. Thats a shaved 14b with a truss ready for a 4 link setup. It also has a custom dual 1ton caliper brake setup, 513 gears with a Detroit locker.
so you truss a 14 bolt, but sleeve a weak front factory 44 on your DD that you are putting an EVO DTD on???
Northridge groupies? I just spit my drink out through my nose. That's a funny one.

IF you were sent the wrong thing (and that is certainly possible because shit like that happens and pisses me off)...that sucks.

BUT, you didn't take the time to inventory your parts before installing. You FORCED a "square peg into a round hole"; then you further f'ed it up by OVER-INSTALLING the sleeve; then you made your f-up permanent by WELDING something together that you knew wasn't installed correctly.

I may not be a NR4x4 fan, but I am a straight shooter and this one is all on you. NR4x4's error (if there was one), ended at your door and could have been remedied there.

^^^^ this really sums it up!
Serriously, are you guys adults? Ya just jeep making your cominity look worse and worse.

The people you are referring to already hate us. We're not trying to win over anyone.

I still don't get how we are looking bad in the first place. You're the one who installed the wrong part. We look bad for pointing out the facts???

What you did was go to all the forums to troll a vender. They already said the order was placed wrong. Installing the part is where stupid started to runith over.
This guy started handing out ass kicking threats just like Oprah Winfrey used to hand out free stuff on her show.
so you truss a 14 bolt, but sleeve a weak front factory 44 on your DD that you are putting an EVO DTD on???

14b is trusses for welding brackets for a dual triangulated 4 link, sounds like your the one that needs to learn a thing or two if your asking why the 14b has that trus. And like I said, only $100 for the sleeve to beef it up a little sounded fine to me, was northridges recommendation as I was just gunna run the stock axle until my 1 tons where built. You guys are acting like children, it's funny.
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14b is trusses for welding brackets for a dual triangulated 4 link, sounds like your the one that needs to learn a thing or two if your asking why the 14b has that trus. And like I said, only $100 for the sleeve to beef it up a little sounded fine to me, was northridges recommendation as I was just gunna run the stock axle until my 1 tons where built. You guys are acting like children, it's funny.

Oh... It's you again. Come to threaten us some more?
I am sorry you took it that way wasn't my intent .

And yes I would be frustrated also

Northridge is one of the best group of guys I've ever purchased from. Obviously I was not in on this conversation but I highly doubt anyone there was rude or unprofessional.
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