End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run


Pre-run was a great refresher! Here is how I suggest we split things up.


Three groups of 7 - 8 that fall into easy, medium and hard categories.

Easy group (For those that have never gone off road)
1- Utilize the training ground across from the Outpost for roughly two hours to get familiar with your Jeep.
2- Complete Trail 89 and 96
3- Lunch stop at the parking lot at the end of trail 96
4- Break from lunch and travel to trail 92 (complete clockwise)
5- Head to hunt Camp where you will be able to get rides in Jeeps that are doing Daniel.

badinlaketrailmaprevise - Easy Group.jpg

Medium group (Some experience off-road)
1- Air down, travel to and complete Trail 92 (Counter clock wise)
2- Complete loop back to FR553 and travel to Daniel (Trail 91)
3- Lunch stop at the parking lot at the end of trail 96
4- Complete Trail 91
5- Travel on trail 92 to 90 complete and head to hunt camp where you will be able to get rides in Jeeps that are doing Daniel.

badinlaketrailmaprevise - Medium Group.jpg

Hard Group (Self explanatory)
1- Air down, travel to and complete trail 91
2- Turn right at trail 92 and complete to trail 90.
3- Complete trail 96 break for lunch
4- (Not sure what to do here yet while the other groups complete their runs)
5- Head to hunt camp to pick up people who want to ride over Daniel.

badinlaketrailmaprevise - Hard Group.jpg
Please post up which group you would like to be a part of and I will adjust the plan as necessary. Additionally, if you have any problems or suggestions please post them up as well. :thumb:
I'm going to say I'd like to be put in the medium category please. I don't have a lot if experience but I've been to a few parks.
Ty, since youve been there, is there anything youd say would require lockers on the "hard" trails?

Edit, if not ill do hard. If yes, put me on medium...
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Please post up which group you would like to be a part of and I will adjust the plan as necessary. Additionally, if you have any problems or suggestions please post them up as well. :thumb:

Thanks for putting this together. I'll sit down this evening and edit the first post with the run groups as responses come in!
Ty, since youve been there, is there anything youd say would require lockers on the "hard" trails?

Edit, if not ill do hard. If yes, put me on medium...

No, there really isn't a place that you need lockers. You'll be fine with your current set up in the "hard" group. :yup:
Please post up which group you would like to be a part of and I will adjust the plan as necessary. Additionally, if you have any problems or suggestions please post them up as well. :thumb:

Any specific requirements for the hard group, i.e.... lockers, 3+ lift, etc?
What about the "most difficult" section on the right side, just above the key? Possibly for the Hard group?

That is Daniel (Trail 390) and will be the last trail that is run. I'm having everyone meet up at the "hunt club" parking lot so that those who don't want to drive their Jeeps can park and ride with those who are going to do the trail.
As soon as I figure out how to route the "hard" group so that they end up at the hunt club parking lot I will finish up the plan.
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