There's a picture on the map of the park of a big ass hotdog. On the legend it says hot dog guy
There's a picture on the map of the park of a big ass hotdog. On the legend it says hot dog guy
Well I'll be damned, you are right. Though I didn't see a hot dog guy there last time.
There's a picture on the map of the park of a big ass hotdog. On the legend it says hot dog guy
Interesting. I wonder if you can hear banjo music the closer you get to the hot dog guy.
Interesting. I wonder if you can hear banjo music the closer you get to the hot dog guy.
My friend I'm trying to convince to go with us pointed the hot dog out. Then I noticed the legend stating hot dog guy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I have a feeling I'm not going to hear the end of this for a while lol.
Please put me down for the medium group. I have no experience with group events like this, but did run thru all the trails except Daniel last year in a Taco with 2" lift/open diffs and later in a stock Rubicon. Picked up my wife's JKU yesterday and hoping to have the JK before this event. really looking forward to my first group run. Thanks for putting this together!