CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE... sort of

CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Hey Eddie this is what really set me off today....

Nice work! You just made me respect GCM2 even more. But, for the record, I have met him in person and long before he put you over his knee and spanked your bottom, I had a ton of respect for him.

...oh, and again, I'm still waiting for you to honor your word and leave.
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I am posting this for everyone to see how i was treated for no reason today and why i was so pissed at everything. Eddie I am happy to talk to you about what happened today if you are willing to talk. I will pm you.

And I posted what I did for everyone to see how you treated me and for no reason today. Unlike you, I'm not pissed in the least but, if you really have anything to say to me, it had better be an apology first or else we have nothing to talk about. :yup:
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

And I posted what I did for everyone to see how you treated me and for no reason today. Unlike you, I'm not pissed in the least but, if you really have anything to say to me, it had better be an apology first or else we have nothing to talk about. :yup:

As nice as an apology would be to you I like sharkey a idea best. :thumb:
Come out and visit us! It would be great to meet you!

Someday soon I hope... Cali was amazing. Last time I was there went up to the Sequia Forest since I got done with work a day early. You guys have it made out there! 3 hours in any direction here im still surrounded by corn.
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Somebody must need these...


Seriously, what the fuck (that's for you Bondsy) is wrong with some of you? Go get help. Nobody here will care...honestly they won't. But if you act like a douche bag, you'll be treated accordingly.
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

I will leave Wayalife the day you get a jeep.

:cheesy: kidding of course. I don't want to let down all my followers.

Well, if all goes as planned I should be ordering a 2014 Granite Crystal JKUR in November or December. It's been almost exactly one brutal year since I sold my '09 Bright Silver JKUR.
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Since you seemed to have missed it, this is MY forum and you are only here because I pay for it's existence. Having said that, I'll damn well post what I want and if you don't like what I have to say, please do us all a favor and leave. :yup:

I find it funny how people forget this and talk shit to you because of a disagreement.

It's like people hating round table pizza, but still go there everyday because they have big screens. Then they bitch about the pizza and service and parking. It's all a package deal.

Find another big screen=find another pizza joint. Don't come in and bitch and scream and use profane language or the establishment will refuse to serve you and kick you out (banned). People think the Internet is some magical funking place with no rules or morals. Not true.
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Well, if all goes as planned I should be ordering a 2014 Granite Crystal JKUR in November or December. It's been almost exactly one brutal year since I sold my '09 Bright Silver JKUR.

Guess I should start saying my goodbyes.

CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

I find it funny how people forget this and talk shit to you because of a disagreement.

It's like people hating round table pizza, but still go there everyday because they have big screens. Then they bitch about the pizza and service and parking. It's all a package deal.

Find another big screen=find another pizza joint. Don't come in and bitch and scream and use profane language or the establishment will refuse to serve you and kick you out (banned). People think the Internet is some magical funking place with no rules or morals. Not true.

JAGS this is the most coherent and relevant thought I've ever heard you and your sweet pants utter (not udder Overlander, calm down). I agree, EDDIE is nice enough to let us hang in HIS space.
oh and if it makes everyone feel better i will change my avatar so nobody thinks im flaunting or looking for anything with my military service.....:thinking:
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