CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE... sort of

CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Cause infantry is in more shit than combat engineers??? This next is for everyone else posting here

:cheesy::standing wave:

...and, he's back. I sure hope you do a better job sticking to your word in the military than you do on this forum.
CombetVEt is a good guy. He is obviously pissed, so we all know how that can go. I know him and his family personally and many of you are wrong in making assumptions based on what has transpired on this forum. There has also been numerous pm's that have been exchanged between other members that no one knows about. Don't be so quick to run in to rescue others on this forum that don't need rescuing. Just let it be :thumb:
CombetVEt is a good guy. He is obviously pissed, so we all know how that can go. I know him and his family personally and many of you are wrong in making assumptions based on what has transpired on this forum. There has also been numerous pm's that have been exchanged between other members that no one knows about. Don't be so quick to run in to rescue others on this forum that don't need rescuing. Just let it be :thumb:

He can be a great guy; but when you make things public in the form and fashion he did you get what you get...
CombetVEt is a good guy. He is obviously pissed, so we all know how that can go. I know him and his family personally and many of you are wrong in making assumptions based on what has transpired on this forum. There has also been numerous pm's that have been exchanged between other members that no one knows about. Don't be so quick to run in to rescue others on this forum that don't need rescuing. Just let it be :thumb:

Just to be clear, I'm not rescuing anyone. Im sure he is a good guy. I just find it strange that someone by the name of "combat vet' would be offended by some simply stating "maybe you hit a body." I would expect someone who has been engaged in actual combat to be a little more hardened than a 3rd grader. I just find him week in character. I don't personally know him so all I have to go on is his comments.
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

CombetVEt is a good guy. He is obviously pissed, so we all know how that can go. I know him and his family personally and many of you are wrong in making assumptions based on what has transpired on this forum. There has also been numerous pm's that have been exchanged between other members that no one knows about. Don't be so quick to run in to rescue others on this forum that don't need rescuing. Just let it be :thumb:

But pissed about what and why? This is the only PM I got from him - there is nothing to assume. You know me personally, are you saying you agree with what he said about me?
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Hey Eddie you need to fuck off!! So many people are tired of your bullshit!! You need to stop being an evo whore, people are sick of it and take the dildo out off your ass and listen to what other people have to say!! We are all on this forum because we all love jeeps!! We didn't join to get every comment we post to get torn apart by you!! You, Overlander and gcm2 are the most disrespectful people I've meet!! You think you know it all, but guess what, YOU FUCKING DON'T!! CombatVet is my friend and you are all pieces of shit for talking shit to him and myself! I hope people realize how big of a bitch you are!! Get a fucking life you pussy!!!!!

For the record I have never met you and don't want to meet you.

And for the next record I do know everything because I know how to use google and that has all the answers.

Take you dildo out of combatvets ass because it struck a nerve and I bet it hurts him.
But pissed about what and why? This is the only PM I got from him - there is nothing to assume. You know me personally, are you saying you agree with what he said about me?

He is pissed about some other pm's from other members, not you. I do know you personally and you couldn't be any nicer in person. You have always given me excellent advice and never tried to steer me wrong. I do not agree with what was said about you
But pissed about what and why? This is the only PM I got from him - there is nothing to assume. You know me personally, are you saying you agree with what he said about me?

Hey Eddie this is what really set me off today,
this all came from GCM2 which had no part in any of this until HE pm me out of the blue.

GCM2 original pm to me out of nowhere
I don't buy it

You are not suffering from anything other than lack of recognition for your service and that leads me to believe you had a less than stellar career. Your avatar proves that you need recognition for simply volunteering for the military like hundreds of thousands of us did. If you think people owe you something for being a veteran, you need to re-learn the meaning of selfless service, if you were an NCO, go read the creed again. Most of the guys on this forum don't know a thing military service, you don't seem to know anything about being a civilian again. Don't pile on them for being clowns. I don't buy your tough guy "don't joke about that stuff" crap one bit. You want to grand stand and pretend you did something in your career, well so did hundreds of thousands of others.

I was being funny, in a dark humor kind of way about killing an enemy combatant with my truck, get over it. Stop thinking you are the only military guy on this forum. There are a bunch of us still doing dangerous work in places the "CAV" will never go to . And it absolutely sucks that I have to take the time to write anything like this or on the open forum to a fellow soldier who is supposed to be better and lead by example. Just sad.

my reply ( i admit a little much)
Originally Posted by GCM 2
You are not suffering from anything other than lack of recognition for your service and that leads me to believe you had a less than stellar career. Your avatar proves that you need recognition for simply volunteering for the military like hundreds of thousands of us did. If you think people owe you something for being a veteran, you need to re-learn the meaning of selfless service, if you were an NCO, go read the creed again. Most of the guys on this forum don't know a thing military service, you don't seem to know anything about being a civilian again. Don't pile on them for being clowns. I don't buy your tough guy "don't joke about that stuff" crap one bit. You want to grand stand and pretend you did something in your career, well so did hundreds of thousands of others.

I was being funny, in a dark humor kind of way about killing an enemy combatant with my truck, get over it. Stop thinking you are the only military guy on this forum. There are a bunch of us still doing dangerous work in places the "CAV" will never go to . And it absolutely sucks that I have to take the time to write anything like this or on the open forum to a fellow soldier who is supposed to be better and lead by example. Just sad.

FUCK YOU!!! I have nothing to say to you. Never talk to me again you motherfucker think I need to relearn selfless service, I know exactly what it is! Go fuck yourself!

GCM2 Reply back to me:
Re: I don't buy it

Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.​

My Reply:

Re: I don't buy it

Originally Posted by GCM 2
Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.

no need to compare that's where you are wrong!! We all served and did our own part and you need to understand that!! It's not what you do it just that you serve your country! I forgot that nobody is better than you though. Go fuck yourself

GCM2 Reply:

Re: I don't buy it

Originally Posted by CombatVetJK

Originally Posted by GCM 2
Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.

no need to compare that's where you are wrong!! We all served and did our own part and you need to understand that!! It's not what you do it just that you serve your country! I forgot that nobody is better than you though. Go fuck yourself

Come on man, thie simple fact that you throw your "combat" status out there in your forum name, doesn't say "I'm proud to have served", it says "look at me" That's not serving your country, that is serving your own need to be recognized, that's narcissistic. Look at your license plate announcing your are an engineer, who's trying to prove something? I'm perfectly happy telling you my back ground if you ask me to, but I'm not going to shove in your face. That's where you and I differ, I don't need recognition for my actions.

Sorry brother, but we are from two different parts of the army. I recognized that you served, I thank you for that service, but if you have all your parts and limbs like I do, neither of us should expect anything more than a thank you. You made a lot of people dislike you, and it happened to be people that didn't judge you prior to your rant, but they judge do now. I don't really care to have any more conversations with you so i am done with this, you are immature and it shows in what you write.

my reply:

Re: I don't buy it

Originally Posted by GCM 2

Originally Posted by CombatVetJK

Originally Posted by GCM 2
Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.

no need to compare that's where you are wrong!! We all served and did our own part and you need to understand that!! It's not what you do it just that you serve your country! I forgot that nobody is better than you though. Go fuck yourself

Come on man, thie simple fact that you throw your "combat" status out there in your forum name, doesn't say "I'm proud to have served", it says "look at me" That's not serving your country, that is serving your own need to be recognized, that's narcissistic. Look at your license plate announcing your are an engineer, who's trying to prove something? I'm perfectly happy telling you my back ground if you ask me to, but I'm not going to shove in your face. That's where you and I differ, I don't need recognition for my actions.

Sorry brother, but we are from two different parts of the army. I recognized that you served, I thank you for that service, but if you have all your parts and limbs like I do, neither of us should expect anything more than a thank you. You made a lot of people dislike you, and it happened to be people that didn't judge you prior to your rant, but they judge do now. I don't really care to have any more conversations with you so i am done with this, you are immature and it shows in what you write.

im not throwing my service around I'm proud of what I did and maybe you aren't so proud or hate on people that are proud. Judge away I don't care.

Ending thoughts:
I am posting this for everyone to see how i was treated for no reason today and why i was so pissed at everything. Eddie I am happy to talk to you about what happened today if you are willing to talk. I will pm you.​

CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

Your responses don't show but I don't need to read them to agree with what GCM2 said. You want people to know you served and that is where everything started. If you can't take a joke about a dead body you really shouldn't be allowed to live by yourself or without some type of supervision.
Hey Eddie you need to fuck off!! So many people are tired of your bullshit!! You need to stop being an evo whore, people are sick of it and take the dildo out off your ass and listen to what other people have to say!! We are all on this forum because we all love jeeps!! We didn't join to get every comment we post to get torn apart by you!! You, Overlander and gcm2 are the most disrespectful people I've meet!! You think you know it all, but guess what, YOU FUCKING DON'T!! CombatVet is my friend and you are all pieces of shit for talking shit to him and myself! I hope people realize how big of a bitch you are!! Get a fucking life you pussy!!!!!

You know it has always amused me when GROWN MEN resort to such drivel in choosing how to express themselves. When using such expletives in their speech, you may think it gives you some sort of credibility, it does not. I recall using such language in 6th or 7th grade when somewhat trying to impress others with my foul speech. It's rather immature. See how I expressed myself, not one 4 letter word.:thankyou:
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

You know it has always amused me when GROWN MEN resort to such drivel in choosing how to express themselves. When using such expletives in their speech, you may think it gives you some sort of credibility, it does not. I recall using such language in 6th or 7th grade when somewhat trying to impress others with my foul speech. It's rather immature. See how I expressed myself, not one 4 letter word.:thankyou:

For what it's worth I think he is still a kid. Like 20 or 21. Might explain a lot more.


(Just wanted to sound tough)
Dead Body?

This all started after the Body Comment? the way it was talked up I assumed things have been building up for months....

Simply amazing!!! How the hell is it CombatvetJK's job to try and teach anybody manors on here. You think Overlanders comment was in poor taste, you can simply say that, or don't read it anymore; you lost this fight when you got on your soap box.... Its not up to you to raise me or anyone here...
Your responses don't show but I don't need to read them to agree with what GCM2 said. You want people to know you served and that is where everything started. If you can't take a joke about a dead body you really shouldn't be allowed to live by yourself or without some type of supervision.

this is not something you should involve yourself in as far as poor comments. this has nothing to do with you. and unless you have served our great country you have no idea what any military service member or veteran is going through. everyone in the military reacts to their own experiences differently. if you have served our country (idk if you have) i thank you for your service.
Re: CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

i agree, i am completely immature and cant stop using words like FUCK and SHIT... :D

Hey Eddie this is what really set me off today,
this all came from GCM2 which had no part in any of this until HE pm me out of the blue.

GCM2 original pm to me out of nowhere
I don't buy it

You are not suffering from anything other than lack of recognition for your service and that leads me to believe you had a less than stellar career. Your avatar proves that you need recognition for simply volunteering for the military like hundreds of thousands of us did. If you think people owe you something for being a veteran, you need to re-learn the meaning of selfless service, if you were an NCO, go read the creed again. Most of the guys on this forum don't know a thing military service, you don't seem to know anything about being a civilian again. Don't pile on them for being clowns. I don't buy your tough guy "don't joke about that stuff" crap one bit. You want to grand stand and pretend you did something in your career, well so did hundreds of thousands of others.

I was being funny, in a dark humor kind of way about killing an enemy combatant with my truck, get over it. Stop thinking you are the only military guy on this forum. There are a bunch of us still doing dangerous work in places the "CAV" will never go to . And it absolutely sucks that I have to take the time to write anything like this or on the open forum to a fellow soldier who is supposed to be better and lead by example. Just sad.

my reply ( i admit a little much)
Originally Posted by GCM 2
You are not suffering from anything other than lack of recognition for your service and that leads me to believe you had a less than stellar career. Your avatar proves that you need recognition for simply volunteering for the military like hundreds of thousands of us did. If you think people owe you something for being a veteran, you need to re-learn the meaning of selfless service, if you were an NCO, go read the creed again. Most of the guys on this forum don't know a thing military service, you don't seem to know anything about being a civilian again. Don't pile on them for being clowns. I don't buy your tough guy "don't joke about that stuff" crap one bit. You want to grand stand and pretend you did something in your career, well so did hundreds of thousands of others.

I was being funny, in a dark humor kind of way about killing an enemy combatant with my truck, get over it. Stop thinking you are the only military guy on this forum. There are a bunch of us still doing dangerous work in places the "CAV" will never go to . And it absolutely sucks that I have to take the time to write anything like this or on the open forum to a fellow soldier who is supposed to be better and lead by example. Just sad.

FUCK YOU!!! I have nothing to say to you. Never talk to me again you motherfucker think I need to relearn selfless service, I know exactly what it is! Go fuck yourself!

GCM2 Reply back to me:
Re: I don't buy it

Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.​

My Reply:

Re: I don't buy it

Originally Posted by GCM 2
Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.

no need to compare that's where you are wrong!! We all served and did our own part and you need to understand that!! It's not what you do it just that you serve your country! I forgot that nobody is better than you though. Go fuck yourself

GCM2 Reply:

Re: I don't buy it

Originally Posted by CombatVetJK

Originally Posted by GCM 2
Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.

no need to compare that's where you are wrong!! We all served and did our own part and you need to understand that!! It's not what you do it just that you serve your country! I forgot that nobody is better than you though. Go fuck yourself

Come on man, thie simple fact that you throw your "combat" status out there in your forum name, doesn't say "I'm proud to have served", it says "look at me" That's not serving your country, that is serving your own need to be recognized, that's narcissistic. Look at your license plate announcing your are an engineer, who's trying to prove something? I'm perfectly happy telling you my back ground if you ask me to, but I'm not going to shove in your face. That's where you and I differ, I don't need recognition for my actions.

Sorry brother, but we are from two different parts of the army. I recognized that you served, I thank you for that service, but if you have all your parts and limbs like I do, neither of us should expect anything more than a thank you. You made a lot of people dislike you, and it happened to be people that didn't judge you prior to your rant, but they judge do now. I don't really care to have any more conversations with you so i am done with this, you are immature and it shows in what you write.

my reply:

Re: I don't buy it

Originally Posted by GCM 2

Originally Posted by CombatVetJK

Originally Posted by GCM 2
Sucks being called out by someone with more experience that sees through you.....doesn't it. If we meet, we can compare DD214's and you will understand.

no need to compare that's where you are wrong!! We all served and did our own part and you need to understand that!! It's not what you do it just that you serve your country! I forgot that nobody is better than you though. Go fuck yourself

Come on man, thie simple fact that you throw your "combat" status out there in your forum name, doesn't say "I'm proud to have served", it says "look at me" That's not serving your country, that is serving your own need to be recognized, that's narcissistic. Look at your license plate announcing your are an engineer, who's trying to prove something? I'm perfectly happy telling you my back ground if you ask me to, but I'm not going to shove in your face. That's where you and I differ, I don't need recognition for my actions.

Sorry brother, but we are from two different parts of the army. I recognized that you served, I thank you for that service, but if you have all your parts and limbs like I do, neither of us should expect anything more than a thank you. You made a lot of people dislike you, and it happened to be people that didn't judge you prior to your rant, but they judge do now. I don't really care to have any more conversations with you so i am done with this, you are immature and it shows in what you write.

im not throwing my service around I'm proud of what I did and maybe you aren't so proud or hate on people that are proud. Judge away I don't care.

Ending thoughts:
I am posting this for everyone to see how i was treated for no reason today and why i was so pissed at everything. Eddie I am happy to talk to you about what happened today if you are willing to talk. I will pm you.​

I support this based solely on your actions. You come across as a boot. I take no pleasure in saying this, but your tone is that of someone constantly seeking approval. I expect more out of a veteran than this. Just so you know, I was not attacking the engineer core. I was questioning your combat experience. You got butt-hurt over a comment about a body. For fuck sake I've had a rotten arm stuffed in my sleeping bag in 05. I just find you undeserving as a soldier.
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