CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE... sort of

CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

i do agree with you here.

CombatVet it's a shame we never met, but I have met GCM2 who is one of the most humble guys I've had the pleasure of meeting. Eddie is a great person, who despite what SOME people think, is a kind and humble guy. Humility is a characteristic that I believe is a cornerstone to being a genuine person. I don't know of you've met GCM2, Eddie, or Overlander for that matter, but I'm willing that outside of this virtual space, you would probably have gotten along with them and considered them good people too. I hope you realize there was some, or A LOT, of overreacting today, at some point. Until then, God Bless.
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

If you have been hurt by comments or views by anyone on this site please fill out this handy forum and send it in.... Thank you for your time....
CombatVet it's a shame we never met, but I have met GCM2 who is one of the most humble guys I've had the pleasure of meeting. Eddie is a great person, who despite what SOME people think, is a kind and humble guy. Humility is a characteristic that I believe is a cornerstone to being a genuine person. I don't know of you've met GCM2, Eddie, or Overlander for that matter, but I'm willing that outside of this virtual space, you would probably have gotten along with them and considered them good people too. I hope you realize there was some, or A LOT, of overreacting today, at some point. Until then, God Bless.

first off i do agree there was overreacting today. i am sure what you say is all true. i have not been able to make suds and grubs do to my work schedule. i have tried to get days off to attend but it just cant happen as i work for a small company and dont have a lot of cover for days off. i myself am usually very humble and i dont approve of some of my actions that took place here but some things were said to me that were offensive and yea i am gonna say hurtful but its true. i would have been happy to meet and wheel with gcm2 and Eddie and maybe even overlander as i know i can always learn more about wheeling and see places i havent been before. i am still happy to do these things as i dont hold grudges and if those are their feelings then so be it. i am always trying to hit the trails and have fun so more the merrier. i have tried scheduling in the past with Eddie on trips and they just dont always work out as planned. maybe sometime oin the future this can happen??
oh and if it makes everyone feel better i will change my avatar so nobody thinks im flaunting or looking for anything with my military service.....:thinking:

I honestly don't think it's even remotely about that. You should be proud of your service. The issue is about mutual respect.
I expect anyone who has served to carry themselves with dignity and honor. I am NOT saying that you don't. What I'm saying is that it comes across extremely petty when you get upset at someones joke. I made some poor decisions when I built my first jeep. It was a hard bullet to swallow. Yea, got some criticism, but I learned from my mistakes along the way. I am hard headed so I tend to learn after the mistake is made. However, we improvise, adapt, and overcome. I hope that you take any perceived criticism and just view it as an outreach from a friend. It takes true strength to say thank you when you might not agree with someone. Just recognize that it is his or her opinion. I know that when I see someone make the same mistakes I have made, I try to pass on what I have learned. I truly wish you the best, and hope that you remember the oath that you swore to live by until your dying days. We are professionals first. :beer:
Rangers Lead The Way!
I cant believe I read through this entire thing and the entirety of the other posts leading to this. :crazyeyes:

Heres my :twocents:

I have been around the military my entire life. From what I have seen there are 2 types of vets. Those that like to show that they did their service with hats and other sorts of ways to show it. Then there are those who wont talk about it unless it is relevant or gets brought up in someway. Everyone does their service differently.

I have met Eddie in person and I do have to say he is an extremely nice person. Hell he bought me and my friends lunch at the Overland Expo... He does love his Evo gear, and from what I have seen he will most definitely favor that over almost anything. But from what I have seen it makes sense that stuff is made very well. I have also seen him talk highly of other products as well, just gotta go with it.

I have gotten so much helpful information from the group of people on this forum, and I thank all of you. I know where I want my build to go... just need the cash (if anyone wants to help ;) I take donations).

I just think everyone needs to get a few of :beer: those and relax... maybe a Vicodin while youre at it really relax!

and I am fully prepared for any kind of criticisms Its the interwebs theres always going to be criticism.
Re: CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

I cant believe I read through this entire thing and the entirety of the other posts leading to this. :crazyeyes:

Heres my :twocents:

I have been around the military my entire life. From what I have seen there are 2 types of vets. Those that like to show that they did their service with hats and other sorts of ways to show it. Then there are those who wont talk about it unless it is relevant or gets brought up in someway. Everyone does their service differently.

I have met Eddie in person and I do have to say he is an extremely nice person. Hell he bought me and my friends lunch at the Overland Expo... He does love his Evo gear, and from what I have seen he will most definitely favor that over almost anything. But from what I have seen it makes sense that stuff is made very well. I have also seen him talk highly of other products as well, just gotta go with it.

I have gotten so much helpful information from the group of people on this forum, and I thank all of you. I know where I want my build to go... just need the cash (if anyone wants to help ;) I take donations).

I just think everyone needs to get a few of :beer: those and relax... maybe a Vicodin while youre at it really relax!

and I am fully prepared for any kind of criticisms Its the interwebs theres always going to be criticism.

I chose not to chime in on this matter....because it wasn't my battle to fight. But as a healthcare professional I implore you to not listen to NAUJK! Hydrocodone and alcohol is dangerous, tends to lead to poor decision making and sometimes abusive behavior...all things we need to avoid at this juncture!
I chose not to chime in on this matter....because it wasn't my battle to fight. But as a healthcare professional I implore you to not listen to NAUJK! Hydrocodone and alcohol is dangerous, tends to lead to poor decision making and sometimes abusive behavior...all things we need to avoid at this juncture!

Twas a joke ;)
Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast.
Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch.
Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it?
Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart.
Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?
Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.
Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.
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Ron Burgundy: Brick, where did you get a hand grenade?
Brick Tamland: I don't know.

So that ^^^ comes to mind reading this and the post from the "other" thread that started this! Haha! The only thing better than being being Internet, jeep forum, PM post famous! ;)

So obviously there are two people that seem to really dislike me, Wayoflife, and OverrlanderJk. I took the opportunity to be professionally courteous and PM my distaste directly to the one of the forum members I though was overreacting to the "hit a body, not a pot hole" post. Well, it appears he has aired our dirty laundry, you all have been fairly astute judges of how this has played out. I guess this is the best thing about an open forum, anybody can's also the worst thing, anybody can comment. Caution, result may vary with individual use

Disclaimer: I am payed EVO Whore, disrespectful, piece of shit, non-attorney spokesperson for Off Road Evolution, EVO mfg, Land Rover, ARB, Old Man Emu, Subway, and General Mills Cereals. Not to be used without prior consent of non-attorney spokesperson by irresponsible land owners of Iceland, Burkina Faso, and certain parishes of Luxemburg
CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE

I chose not to chime in on this matter....because it wasn't my battle to fight. But as a healthcare professional I implore you to not listen to NAUJK! Hydrocodone and alcohol is dangerous, tends to lead to poor decision making and sometimes abusive behavior...all things we need to avoid at this juncture!

Strizzy as long as you're here.... I have a "friend" that was wondering.,.,. Is it supposed to burn when I, errrr, HE pees?
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