Coffee Drinkers & Bean Grinders

I keep getting silencers smooth and at first I didn't like it nearly as much as the two you listed above. I brew it with a bit more coffee and let it sit until room temp. Totally different taste and really good that way. I'm actually finishing up a cup as I type this..haha. I just received Snipers Hide which is their light roast. I may keep that for the occasional coffee drinkers who come over as I'm sure it won't have the strong flavor I prefer. Who knows I could be wrong though. You can choose to get BB and MO by themselves too.

Silencers Hide is pretty good. I prefer dark roasts but SH is plenty flavorful and is what my wife really enjoys.
Damn it. Really craving a cup now. lol
I’m brewing as soon as I get home.
Silencers Hide is pretty good. I prefer dark roasts but SH is plenty flavorful and is what my wife really enjoys.
Damn it. Really craving a cup now. lol
I’m brewing as soon as I get home.

Good to know. I'm probably going to brew a cup in a few. Gonna steel some of my coworkers Spotfire blend from Hotshot Coffee Roasters.
Honestly? Very average. I was disappointed. :grayno:

I'll save the rest for company. :D

Haha that a good idea. I was going to do that with the bag of Sniper's Hide I received from BRCC, but after trying it its really good for a light roast.
Haha that a good idea. I was going to do that with the bag of Sniper's Hide I received from BRCC, but after trying it its really good for a light roast.

My problem is that I compare every coffee I get to Murdered Out or Beyond Black. I am 100% spoiled.

Have you tried the holiday blend yet? Anxious to try that out when it gets here.
My problem is that I compare every coffee I get to Murdered Out or Beyond Black. I am 100% spoiled.

Have you tried the holiday blend yet? Anxious to try that out when it gets here.

Haven't tried it yet but it's in the cabinet waiting for the SS to run out. I just ordered the Black Buffalo as it was on sale and I'm waiting for that to arrive.
My problem is that I compare every coffee I get to Murdered Out or Beyond Black. I am 100% spoiled.

Have you tried the holiday blend yet? Anxious to try that out when it gets here.

Haha you sound like me. It’s so difficult for any other cup to measure up to beyond black and murdered out.
BRCC will ruin you for sure.

Haven't tried it yet but it's in the cabinet waiting for the SS to run out. I just ordered the Black Buffalo as it was on sale and I'm waiting for that to arrive.

See what I mean about the SH? Super good for a light roast. Just ordered some black buffalo too. We shall see.
Haha you sound like me. It’s so difficult for any other cup to measure up to beyond black and murdered out.
BRCC will ruin you for sure.

See what I mean about the SH? Super good for a light roast. Just ordered some black buffalo too. We shall see.
Blackbeards Delight, Coffee or Die, and AK47 espresso roast are all good too..haha. If you're ever in SLC and stop by their facility, they have a cold brew on tap that is like crack. That's all I'd drink. Its brewed with their AK47 if I remember correctly.

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Blackbeards Delight, Coffee or Die, and AK47 espresso roast are all good too..haha. If you're ever in SLC and stop by their facility, they have a cold brew on tap that is like crack. That's all I'd drink. Its brewed with their AK47 if I remember correctly.

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Would be neat to check out their facility.
Working through a bag of AK47 right now. It’s really good also.
After a year of using a blade grinder I'm in the market for an economical burr grinder. While I'd love a Brevel it's a bit outside of my price range and really my need. Anyone using a grinder in the $30-50 range that can share their reviews?

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My brother in law recently spent some time in Toronto and stopped at a place called Jimmy’s Coffee. Their blends are all named after famous “Jimmy’s” and I got a bag of the Hendrix Blend for Christmas. Nice dark roast!

Just got home and unpacked. Found this sitting on our porch, Merry Christmas to us! Got a new roast to try Red, White, and Brew. Got to love the 4 bag best of BRCC!


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