Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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1 of 2 things are going to happen for my Wife & I ..

1. A majority of people do not comply.. and we move on

2. The majority Complies and we have to uplift our whole life, everything we’ve worked for, and leave our friends & family.... Because we can’t f’n live like this.

To say my wife & I are stressed out.. is an understatement.
The way CA reacted to Rona was the final straw for us. I just knew that once all those fucking restrictions and shutdowns happened that their new-found power would go to their heads and they'd keep finding reasons to use it. Granted, we were planning on leaving in a year anyway, but we just couldn't deal with it any longer than we had to.
"93 percent effective through six months after the second dose".. only good for 6 months then how fast does the "effectiveness" fall?
nothing like a gov mandated income stream, not going to mention the human rights violations.
great if you want to get the vaccine, good for you, but if you're still scared afterwards, stay home...
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