Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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If delta wasn’t scary enough this should do it. Delta plus. 😲

The press conference:
It's "at least" as bad, we don't know and we're not sure but we wrote "SCIENCE" in big letters on top of the report so we're going to say "at least", maybe...just stay scared and don't think you are free because if you stop believing us then we're going to have to call it Delta plus plus to make it more scary sounding and figure out a way to take away more of your freedoms. We're going to allow big corporations that do as we say (we're not violating the constitution, they are and since they are a private company, it doesn't matter) what ever they want. And then we're going to have all our democrat SS governors... Oh , SS? Super Scary governors, force all small business owners if they want to stay open they have to enforce our illegal overreach and demand anyone that enters their establishment show their papers! heil...oops, almost got carried away... (whispers to an aid) since democrat states have tough gun laws those will be the easy states to takeover first - umm the mic was hot? damn, oh well, we'll just hand out another $500 and liberals will continue to bend over so long as we keep promising no rent, base income, green deal.... we'll take away all their choices after it's too late to realize what they signed up for.....
The press conference:
It's "at least" as bad, we don't know and we're not sure but we wrote "SCIENCE" in big letters on top of the report so we're going to say "at least", maybe...just stay scared and don't think you are free because if you stop believing us then we're going to have to call it Delta plus plus to make it more scary sounding and figure out a way to take away more of your freedoms. We're going to allow big corporations that do as we say (we're not violating the constitution, they are and since they are a private company, it doesn't matter) what ever they want. And then we're going to have all our democrat SS governors... Oh , SS? Super Scary governors, force all small business owners if they want to stay open they have to enforce our illegal overreach and demand anyone that enters their establishment show their papers! heil...oops, almost got carried away... (whispers to an aid) since democrat states have tough gun laws those will be the easy states to takeover first - umm the mic was hot? damn, oh well, we'll just hand out another $500 and liberals will continue to bend over so long as we keep promising no rent, base income, green deal.... we'll take away all their choices after it's too late to realize what they signed up for.....
Might be called delta times 19. 😧
Agreed. What’s really scary is if you look a little broader and include the 2A arguments in the mix, you’ll see that they’ve been busy trying to remove ordinary citizens’ ability to fight back. When the gun control measures didn’t pass, they went for the next best thing: ammo. I haven’t been able to find ammo for anything in months and neither have any of my friends around the country.
Agreed. What’s really scary is if you look a little broader and include the 2A arguments in the mix, you’ll see that they’ve been busy trying to remove ordinary citizens’ ability to fight back. When the gun control measures didn’t pass, they went for the next best thing: ammo. I haven’t been able to find ammo for anything in months and neither have any of my friends around the country.
Ammo is coming back on the shelves in Nevada, so are firearms.
Agreed. What’s really scary is if you look a little broader and include the 2A arguments in the mix, you’ll see that they’ve been busy trying to remove ordinary citizens’ ability to fight back. When the gun control measures didn’t pass, they went for the next best thing: ammo. I haven’t been able to find ammo for anything in months and neither have any of my friends around the country.
I order online but I'm not sure if it's a state by state on where they can deliver
Yup... Bring Birth Certificate, and 2 Bills showing proof of residence.... So we can fly domestic & buy Ammo.... But you dont need it to Vote. 🙄
And they will tell you your birth certificate does not comply so you have to order a new one and pay. Then since your license isn’t expiring you need to pay thirty dollars since the state is requiring you to have this. It’s another fucking money grab.
Yup... Bring Birth Certificate, and 2 Bills showing proof of residence.... So we can fly domestic & buy Ammo.... But you dont need it to Vote. 🙄
And they will tell you your birth certificate does not comply so you have to order a new one and pay. Then since your license isn’t expiring you need to pay thirty dollars since the state is requiring you to have this. It’s another fucking money grab.
Yeah, I've done the Real ID thing, it's a fucking headache. So stupid you need one to buy ammo out there.
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