Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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I appreciate the attempt at reasoned discourse back and forth. But, honestly, if you truly believe that covid is just some political scam or that people (particularly those over 70) are not dying at a rate (from covid) exponentially higher than they would have been in the absence of covid…I’m sorry, but you are ignorant and don’t know how to read and interpret 20 months worth of data from within the United States.

My brother by blood, and my brother by marriage, are both treating physicians in ER’s dealing with covid patients on a daily basis. I have a keen sense of both the realities “on the ground” and the broader public policy discussion. Interestingly, my two brothers have different perspectives on what they think should be the public policy response. I respect both of their opinions.

Now, what we should do about the situation, through public policy mandates, is absolutely fair game for discussion.

I don’t think anyone should be forced to take the vaccine. Can I envision a virus in which I think people should be forced to take a vaccine? Unequivocally, yes. But this is NOT it.

I get that our nation has, unfortunately, become so tribalized that people seriously believe things like the vaccine is really just BG implanting a chip into people for later control. I also get that an alarmingly large percentage of the population thinks the world is flat, we never landed on the moon, and chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

If you choose not to take the vaccine because you do not think it provides you a statistically greater chance of survival, I support that decision 100%. (Keep in mind, I am the only one of my wife and kids that has been vaccinated). If, however, you choose not to get vaccinated because you think it is some grand conspiracy, the vaccine will give someone control over you, or some other foil hat reason, then this is what I have to say: more power to you, I just ask that you contractually promise, in writing, that you won’t go to the ER if you catch covid and get sick.

I feel the same way about helmet/seatbelt laws. I don’t think they should exist; but I do think you should sign a waiver of care.
Just curious...what do your brothers say in regard to the percentage of their covid patients being unvaccinated?

and yes, everyone deserves healthcare, vaccinated or not...
I was waiting for someone to ask the wife and kids question (I thought that was a pretty good softball that I laid out for the hitting).

For those of you who haven’t figured me out yet, I sometimes write things, even things I don’t necessarily agree with, with the intent of provoking conversations because I find it interesting to read people’s reactions and points of view.

I actually don’t think anyone should be denied healthcare because they chose not to take this vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter.

But, there are circumstances where I truly believe the general public should not incur the monetary burden associated with an individual’s personal choices…this just doesn’t happen to be one of them.

Edit: I should have qualified my earlier question better. If you choose not to wear a seatbelt, or a helmet, or get a particular vaccine, should SOCIETY bear the expense of taking care of you?
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Just curious...what do your brothers say in regard to the percentage of their covid patients being unvaccinated?

and yes, everyone deserves healthcare, vaccinated or not...
I haven’t asked for specific percentages, but I can tell you that four of my brother’s colleagues tested positive a couple of weeks ago. The only one of the four that died was not vaccinated.
Some good stuff here. Good for this guy. If you have 6:30 it’s worth the watch.

Some good stuff here. Good for this guy. If you have 6:30 it’s worth the watch.

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