Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Went to Home Depot for the first time in a long time now that they don’t have a stupid line to get in. I was out walking in the garden center when I came across a lady wearing a mask and staring to freak out like deer caught in the headlights. As I got within “social distancing”, she raised her finger at me and demanded that I “wait right there!” She then proceed to back out of the flower isle and move into an intersection so that I could pass. LOL

I can only guess she was dropping in from the California side of Tahoe because there really aren’t too many locals who have been wearing masks for a while now. Hell, we just had breakfast at one of our favorite spots and ate at the counter. 🤪

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Went to Home Depot for the first time in a long time now that they don’t have a stupid line to get in. I was out walking in the garden center when I came across a lady wearing a mask and staring to freak out like deer caught in the headlights. As I got within “social distancing”, she raised her finger at me and demanded that I “wait right there!” She then proceed to back out of the flower isle and move into an intersection so that I could pass. LOL

I can only guess she was dropping in from the California side of Tahoe because there really aren’t too many locals who have been wearing masks for a while now. Hell, we just had breakfast at one of our favorite spots and ate at the counter. [emoji2957]

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That's so annoying, I'm guessing your right about the locals, I don't see a ton of masks either unless the people are pretty elderly, Or when I'm in the hospital, which is mandatory, but when I was in south lake earlier this week I saw more people wearing masks driving alone in their own cars than probably all of northern Nevada combined.

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Went to Home Depot for the first time in a long time now that they don’t have a stupid line to get in. I was out walking in the garden center when I came across a lady wearing a mask and staring to freak out like deer caught in the headlights. As I got within “social distancing”, she raised her finger at me and demanded that I “wait right there!” She then proceed to back out of the flower isle and move into an intersection so that I could pass. LOL

I can only guess she was dropping in from the California side of Tahoe because there really aren’t too many locals who have been wearing masks for a while now. Hell, we just had breakfast at one of our favorite spots and ate at the counter. 🤪

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I think from now on, we will see a certain group of people wearing masks, the rest of our lives. I see very few, here in the midwest, wearing them at all, but, there's that 10-15%, that are still in gloves and masks.
I understand those that are compromised. I think it's funny, though, when I see the ones about to freak out because they think someone is closer than 6 feet. Then there's those who drive around with masks and gloves.
Every day their immune system gets weaker...

Oh... and Seattle..., If I were in Trumps shoes, I would have already, "crossed the Rubicon". It would be over with.
Happened to be in a store today checking out near a pharmacist that was a customer. I overheard him talking with the cashier. Cashier asked about a vaccine and he said that his company was working on it. Then the cashier asked if the vaccine will be required for everyone. Pharmacist says 'Fuck no. I'm not putting that shit in my body.' The conversation got quite awesome from there. So nice to have a pharmacist perspective on this bullshit rather than the 'experts' on the big brother screen. I learned a ton and it confirmed so much of my already 'gut' feeling on all this fucking bullshit.
I think it's funny, though, when I see the ones about to freak out because they think someone is closer than 6 feet. Then there's those who drive around with masks and gloves.
Every day their immune system gets weaker...

The pharmacist and I had a long conversation about this as well....
Went to Oceanside last week. That's in San Diego County. Different rules than my county where masks are optional. Walked into an Albertsons to get food for the beach (By the way the beach on pendleton seemed like a normal beach to me) an employee comes up to me and asks me to put on a mask. I didn't bring one in and was about to leave when she held up a box of them. Thats a fair compromise. You want me wearing one in your business then you, business owner, provide me one. I put it on and bought my chicken strips.

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If Nevada’s number keep doing what they have been doing for the last week, there is a pretty fair chance we could end up shut down again. [emoji35][emoji35]

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If Nevada’s number keep doing what they have been doing for the last week, there is a pretty fair chance we could end up shut down again. [emoji35][emoji35]

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Just as the NHL is pushing Vegas as the western hub for the playoffs :naw:

None of them, me included, want to be another Reginald Denny.

He was the truck driver who stopped for a group of "protestors" (actually rioters) and as thanks for not running over them, they drug him out of his truck and beat him nearly to death. This was during the Rodney King riots in LA

Not going to happen to me. If assholes approach my rig, I'm driving off, whether they are in front, alongside, or underneath my truck. They won't get a chance to get close enough to the door to open it.
None of them, me included, want to be another Reginald Denny.

He was the truck driver who stopped for a group of "protestors" (actually rioters) and as thanks for not running over them, they drug him out of his truck and beat him nearly to death. This was during the Rodney King riots in LA

Not going to happen to me. If assholes approach my rig, I'm driving off, whether they are in front, alongside, or underneath my truck. They won't get a chance to get close enough to the door to open it.

Yup... I wouldn’t drive into that shit either. Reality is going to hit real fast when there are no supplies, no Cops, no EMT, and no Fire response.
Went to Home Depot for the first time in a long time now that they don’t have a stupid line to get in. I was out walking in the garden center when I came across a lady wearing a mask and staring to freak out like deer caught in the headlights. As I got within “social distancing”, she raised her finger at me and demanded that I “wait right there!” She then proceed to back out of the flower isle and move into an intersection so that I could pass. LOL

I can only guess she was dropping in from the California side of Tahoe because there really aren’t too many locals who have been wearing masks for a while now. Hell, we just had breakfast at one of our favorite spots and ate at the counter. 🤪

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I went into REI in Reno the other day & there were a few in there that seemed scared, none of them bold enough to wave a finger at me though. They would just see me coming in their direction in an isle and would veer around a display instead of passing me in the walkway...
None of them, me included, want to be another Reginald Denny.

He was the truck driver who stopped for a group of "protestors" (actually rioters) and as thanks for not running over them, they drug him out of his truck and beat him nearly to death. This was during the Rodney King riots in LA

Not going to happen to me. If assholes approach my rig, I'm driving off, whether they are in front, alongside, or underneath my truck. They won't get a chance to get close enough to the door to open it.

My wife was worried about this a little bit. So I got her a can of bear spray. Told her if anyone gets near her car, just hold it out the window and empty it at anyone within range. Then get out of there.

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I was in the store grabbing some jeep cleaning supplies( no mask). I noticed a guy in a mask at the opposite end staring at me. He wasnt even close. I'm toward one end of the isle hes at the opposite end waiting for me to leave before he will come down. I really wanted to exist the isle in his direction , figured I would let him keep his "safe" distance. Wow.

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