Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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So, I just looked and see that here in Carson City, we’ve only had a total of 39 cases, 1 death, 22 active and 16 recovered and growing. While I understand there are a lot of older people in NYC with a high BMI, hypertension and diabetes are dying from this thing, why in the fuck is the rest of America, rural America being punished for it?

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It’s all liberal states doing this shit. It is a concerted effort to keep this shit going until the election to get Trump out.

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Let’s say they manage to get Trump out, you really think they’ll just ease up and everything will return to normal? Why give away power so easily gained?

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Let’s say they manage to get Trump out, you really think they’ll just ease up and everything will return to normal? Why give away power so easily gained?

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That’s always been the point for them, to grab all the power they can and at all costs.

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Yup. Then the crazy agenda gets forced down our throats. Given how little regard they have shown for the health of this country or it’s economy, it’s like this is a nasty petty payback for voting Trump in in the first place. They’ve tried everything else to get him out and this was another opportunity regardless of who it hurts.

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I agree this has gone on long enough. The science and data that has come back so far has been so far off from what the "expected" outcome was going to be. Had we not done what we did it could have already run its course. Give us, the people, the information about how to protect ourselves and let us make up our own minds. Seatbelt and helmet laws are the same thing. We know that it's best to buckle up but if I don't and crash into something and die why does anyone except my family care? It was my choice to be an idiot. Besides, me dying is less of a burden on the tax payers than me not dying but sustaining critical injuries and spending weeks in the hospital when I don't have health insurance.

Flattening the curve was to simply not overwhelm the medical system. I feel the same number of people have been affected its just taken longer.

Use the same methodology as used in a severe trauma incident (Think bus crash). You triage people. A person that possibly could have been saved had they been the only patient end up dying because there were 5 others who were hurt bad but just had more time to live therefore medical personal were able to attend to them.

My dad is in an assisted living facility due to a stroke. He has respatory issues. I planned not to go visit him just in case I contacted someone who was contagious. In addition to him there are dozens of residents there who could be affected if the China virus got loose in there. It was common sense for me. About 2 weeks before the county started shutting things down my dad's facility decided to stop visitors from coming in. It was common sense for their director too. We didn't need the gov to tell us to stay home.

This is why personal accountability is gone these days. Always waiting for someone to tell us what to do, whats safe, whats right and whats wrong. OK I'm done for now..haha.

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You must obey. That’s all we’re being told. If you don’t, YOU are the problem and people will die. If you QUESTION what’s being ordered, YOU are the problem and people will die. You must obey!

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Yes, this is the Babalonbee but thought it was funny as fuck if only because it’s so TRUE


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I havent read any more into this then the article that was linked.... There a reason you guys are upset about states sharing information? Creating a unified / regional approach and strategies to reopen? When you're next to each other it makes sense to talk to your neighbors.

"believe(s) the sharing of critical information and best practices on how to mitigate the spread, protect the health and safety of our residents and reopen responsibly will be invaluable as we chart our paths forward."

"COVID-19 doesn't follow state or national boundaries, and it will take every level of government, working together to get the upper hand on this virus"

Im just lost how any one can think this is a bad decision, or worse - somehow complicit to receding from the US ?? I didn't read anything about them signing their own declaration of independence.

It actually sounds like one of the few actually responsible things being done considering the effects states have on each other

I would be VERY nervous about my state (AZ) joining this pact because they are coordinating an approach to opening their state’s back basically a group of states is essentially controlling mine, sorry that’s not kosher with me. I would like California’s fingers out of my state thank you very much, bad enough we get people who migrate here from California because they can’t stand to live there but don’t change their voting habits.

Information is already shared freely between the states, from the west coast to the east, doubt this ‘pact’ has little to do, if anything at all, with information sharing.

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You guys out West are just now getting what we've had over in the East - this multi-state pact and the bigmouth dipshit Cuomo was doing the speaking for a while.
It seems to have lost it's luster thankfully.

More and more stats are coming out proving the "experts" fucked up AGAIN and the mortality rate has been grossly exaggerated and it's no more deadly than the average flu. Go figure.

You guys been forgetting your memes :rolleyes2:

Anyone self quarantined?

When people allow themselves to be afraid, and to be ruled by the illusion of safety, they lose both individual freedom and personal responsibility.

I can’t wait to see reports of the sheeple celebrating the 4th of July via Zoom from the “safety” of their homes. The ignorance and irony is profound.

Politics aside, the data (which is pretty consistent across the board) is reflecting a situation profoundly different than what was speculated by the “experts”. Destroying the economy for the next decade was wholly unnecessary.

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Went into effect today.

2. Order Coloradans to ..... Essential Travel to within their county of residence or employment as much as possible and recreational travel to no further than ten (10) miles from their residence.

Under order, Coloradans will not be able to recreate beyond 10 miles from their homes and are prohibited from gathering in groups of 10 or more people.

But, it's ok. He's here to help.....

This is fucking crazy..

At this point I feel like they are just seeing what they can get away with for future knowledge.

I’m not sure what the final addenda is here.

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Let’s say they manage to get Trump out, you really think they’ll just ease up and everything will return to normal? Why give away power so easily gained?

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Right just like the patriot act, liberties sure as shit don’t come back. Red or blue doesn’t matter. Sheeple keep giving away freedom in the name of safety/security and vilify the other side of the argument while doing it.

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Right just like the patriot act, liberties sure as shit don’t come back. Red or blue doesn’t matter. Sheeple keep giving away freedom in the name of safety/security and vilify the other side of the argument while doing it.

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Yeah, so many craving what is, at the end a false sense of security.

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View attachment 346293

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Ha haaaa!

When people allow themselves to be afraid, and to be ruled by the illusion of safety, they lose both individual freedom and personal responsibility.

I can’t wait to see reports of the sheeple celebrating the 4th of July via Zoom from the “safety” of their homes. The ignorance and irony is profound.

Politics aside, the data (which is pretty consistent across the board) is reflecting a situation profoundly different than what was speculated by the “experts”. Destroying the economy for the next decade was wholly unnecessary.

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Can I get an amen?!

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