Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Like Tucker Carlson or not, this shit actually happened. The 2 doctors, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi in California who questioned all the shit that’s going on right now and based on ACTUAL DATA, just had their video removed by YouTube. Apparently, if you don’t tow the line, you are spreading dangerous misinformation.

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George Orwell was onto something. This is exactly was many feared and really scary. Our liberties being stripped right out from under us with little to no fight back. Better watch out Eddie your latest video may be next..[emoji6]. Thanks for sharing this.

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George Orwell was onto something. This is exactly was many feared and really scary. Our liberties being stripped right out from under us with little to no fight back. Better watch out Eddie your latest video may be next..[emoji6]. Thanks for sharing this.

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No lie, the thought had crossed our mind.

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Wouldn't it be awesome if we were all playing for the same fucking team?
Trump was right: HCQ works and doctors agree enough to publish a letter. :naw:

It’s really pretty disgusting. What’s worse is that so many people are too small minded to think for themselves and are all to eager to tow the line. Worse, those who might disagree with them are the enemy.

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Well on the bright side of all this bullshit still going on out there, it sounds like my work can start ramping up next week, so all in all about 6 weeks have been lost assuming things do actually get going. Such bullshit, especially with no help from the govt, when they are the ones telling me I can't work. Still pending on the ppp and maybe apply for unemployment whenever that opens up to help recoup some of the lost earnings. But honestly just happy to be back in control of my own situation.b

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Just for the record....I knew I saw that video recently. Then I realized it was because Clay posted it here:

And of course now, yes, it's gone.

View attachment 346350

Can't make this shit up.

No, you cannot. I know full well what YouTube policies are and missed where ANYTHING these DOCTORS said violated them. Well, other than not agreeing with the infallible, communist Chinese run WHO has been saying.

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LOL - Just had this stupidness posted up on our YouTube channel...

Brandon Jeffers.jpg

More than our government, it's guys like this Brandon Jeffers that I'm afraid of.
LOL - Just had this stupidness posted up on our YouTube channel...

View attachment 346356

More than our government, it's guys like this Brandon Jeffers that I'm afraid of.

I feel like I called all this backlash lol, which actually makes me more concerned that people are so predictable in their stupidity. This guy just doesn't get it, my guess is essentially traveling to the grocery store to get food is the same slap in the face to all the people who have to be out working in "a time like this"

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