Active Member
Yeah that's still some scary stuff your dealing with! Hope it clears up soon for youGood to hear AJ! Glad she is doing well...
Gotta a little scare of my own... Monday night I woke up at 1:00am and was struggling to breathe. I couldn’t take a full deep breath. Panic kind of set in at that point. By 6:00am with no sleep I drove myself to the ER. EKG, blood tests, chest Xray all looked perfect. They did not directly test me for Covid though, because I had no other symptoms. He did however do one blood test that would of been a sign of positive.. I was clear... That calmed me a little. Last night I had to retrain myself and really focus on slow easy breathing to get through the night. Today I had a phone conference with my doctor and he said I probably have mucas build up in my lungs... He prescribed MusinexD and said give it a week. This could be onset of Covid but highly unlikely according to both doctors... Its been a rough week for sure and looking my symptoms up online was a Huge mistake... I was going to die like 4 times yesterday. Lol. Joking aside, take care of your lungs guys.. shallow breathing is F’n Hell. Fingers crossed this passes soon.
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