ALL in the Name of SAVING the PLANET

Surprised to see it but it looks like our Dem senator is actually fighting to stop this nonsense.
Here's another one - Imagine for a moment, 118,000 acres of solar panels and out in one of the most beautiful, untouched and pristine places the public can visit and enjoy and all in the name of saving the planet.

And really, it's not like there are a shit ton of people or industry in the area that needs the power. But hey, if it's government land, these "green" companies pretty much get paid to put that shit out there :mad:
Here's another one - Imagine for a moment, 118,000 acres of solar panels and out in one of the most beautiful, untouched and pristine places the public can visit and enjoy and all in the name of saving the planet.

And really, it's not like there are a shit ton of people or industry in the area that needs the power. But hey, if it's government land, these "green" companies pretty much get paid to put that shit out there :mad:
Such bullshit too. You are invited to comment… but of course it’ll fall on deaf ears; the decision has already been made.
Here's another one - Imagine for a moment, 118,000 acres of solar panels and out in one of the most beautiful, untouched and pristine places the public can visit and enjoy and all in the name of saving the planet.

And really, it's not like there are a shit ton of people or industry in the area that needs the power. But hey, if it's government land, these "green" companies pretty much get paid to put that shit out there :mad:
Nevada has like 2 cities of any appreciable size and they are very far from to Tonapah. The longer a transmission line is, the more loss there is during transmission. I hope that these 1.6 million people find the life they are expecting near Tonopah.
Nevada has like 2 cities of any appreciable size and they are very far from to Tonapah. The longer a transmission line is, the more loss there is during transmission. I hope that these 1.6 million people find the life they are expecting near Tonopah.

Good grief, do you ever engage your brain before writing anything? It's like diarrhea spews forth on some of your posts.
How TF do they get power over any great distance?

Good grief, do you ever engage your brain before writing anything? It's like diarrhea spews forth on some of your posts.
How TF do they get power over any great distance?

He takes certain aspects of actual truth and applies them to areas that they are not relevant.
Good grief, do you ever engage your brain before writing anything? It's like diarrhea spews forth on some of your posts.
How TF do they get power over any great distance
Apparently just because you can say that, you think the the loss in the power lines and transformers is not a significant thing. If you stand under the lines you can hear them buzzing as they are losing energy. Shorter lines save a lot of money.
Apparently just because you can say that, you think the the loss in the power lines and transformers is not a significant thing. If you stand under the lines you can hear them buzzing as they are losing energy. Shorter lines save a lot of money.
Ever driven thru Kansas? Where the 200 windmills are? In the middle of nowhere?
Ever driven through Wyoming on I80? How do you think they get power from the power generating stations throughout that state?
Not every generating facility has to be in the city it’s powering - it all connects a to the grid
More bullshit and again, all in the name of saving the planet.

And I gotta say, why is it always NON-AMERICAN mining companies that want to destroy our wilderness and why is it always our government that's so eager to let them do it?!

And to be clear, when it comes to extracting minerals from the ground whether it be oil over lithium, there is ALWAYS a finite amount of it in any one location. I know I'm sounding like a greenie here but to do such irreversible damage to the land and just to make a few toxic batteries for a short amount of time is just so fuckin stupid!! If you're gonna hate on oil for it's environmental impact, then you should hate on this lithium shit too.
More bullshit and again, all in the name of saving the planet.

And I gotta say, why is it always NON-AMERICAN mining companies that want to destroy our wilderness and why is it always our government that's so eager to let them do it?!

And to be clear, when it comes to extracting minerals from the ground whether it be oil over lithium, there is ALWAYS a finite amount of it in any one location. I know I'm sounding like a greenie here but to do such irreversible damage to the land and just to make a few toxic batteries for a short amount of time is just so fuckin stupid!! If you're gonna hate on oil for it's environmental impact, then you should hate on this lithium shit too.
Their double standards is what pisses me off most about all of this. They pick and choose what is important when it benefits them, and it’s always a financial benefit too. Save the environment! Oh wait, there’s money to be made!
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