40s on Dana 44?

Ok, didn't read every post word for word. Just can't understand why the point never gets across why sleeves don't prevent bending of the axle at the diff housing

Because when you are an engineer you rely on assumptions and theories, NOT real world experience.
Has anybody mentioned in this thread that sleeves don't even cover the most prone part of the axle to bend...right at the differential housing? That's why I wouldn't waste my money, but to each his own I guess

That was not in his mathematical equation. Of course neither was experience.
How do you gain experience then if you don't make an assumption based on conversations or research on what might work and try it to gain the experience. Wayalife said he originally thought sleeve were the way to go, tried them then decided they were not. I have sleeves and in my experience they work for the wheelin I do.

I ran a model that showed sleeve would give a increase in strength, then looked at the ORE website and read the 30% increase in strength. Looked back at my sim and had the same increase. That's called independent validation. If you have any evidence they don't increase strength, please share.

It's been said plenty of times but I will go ahead and say it again. Of course the sleeves add some strength. The point is, they don't prevent the bending that occurs where the tube hits the housing. So what are you protecting against? A tube failure? They just aren't that common (certainly not common enough to justify spending the money to add sleeves.)

I didn't assume GCM2 was putting words into Mel's mouth just that I think Mel should speak for Mel. If Mel is happy for GCM2 to speak for him, then so am I, I would have no reason not to. I think GCM2 is now aware of this.

What you assumed was that GCM 2 was just some schmuck shooting his mouth off without any basis for doing so. You were wrong.

Assumption are the starting point to find out the true facts, but that's just how science works.

:cheesy: So what comes next in the magical workings of science? Observations? Interesting how observations (e.g. real world experiences) are used to disprove assumptions.

I don't think very much of you either...

Finally, something we agree on. :beer:
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Because when you are an engineer you rely on assumptions and theories, NOT real world experience.

Great engineering is the reason I had to trim a small piece from the right front inner fender liner on my '12 JK to tighten the top nut on the shock when I installed my lift :crazyeyes:
Great engineering is the reason I had to trim a small piece from the right front inner fender liner on my '12 JK to tighten the top nut on the shock when I installed my lift :crazyeyes:

Pie chart or it didn't happen

Sent from my whatchamacallit
There are these phrases like, letting it go, cutting your losses, put it to rest, and STHU.

I haven't commented because I don't know anything about running 40s. Hell, I'm still learning how to turn bolts and run my daily driver to work and back. But I've learned something by reading posts from Eddie, GCM, Overlander, Sharkey and others in this thread. So thanks for the edumacation fellas. :yup:

I honestly don't understand why Ade continues to force his opinion when clearly it's not supported here. I commend him for maybe the first 20 or so posts of the thread when it was still discussion. But at some point the writing is on the wall (another phrase) that this is not a group in agreement. Agree to disagree and move on like you said yourself Ade. No need to keep it going another 125+ posts. You're not making any friends at this point, no matter how right you think you are. So let it go, cut your losses, put it to rest.
Yep. I'm done with this conversation. It's not going anywhere. I just don't like seeing my friends get accused of speaking out of school.
Let's agree to disagree that agreeing on disagreeing is really agreeing unless we are disagreeing, you agree?

Sent from my whatchamacallit
Great engineering is the reason I had to trim a small piece from the right front inner fender liner on my '12 JK to tighten the top nut on the shock when I installed my lift :crazyeyes:

Haha, I just had a Total Recall moment and felt the urge to share it...

I didn't have to deal with this installing my budget boost as I had only used shock extensions (my temporary lift) - but when were installing my buddies AEV lift several of the parts needed some impromptu fab work just to get them to fit. Frustrating to say the least but I digress - by the time we got to these front shocks I had pretty much run out of patience and kept bitching at him til' he let me take a sawsall to the liner.

Probably not my best cut since I just recalled this after reading your post - must have been on autopilot at that point as I completely forgot about it.

Not much of a point here except don't drink and wrench... unless it's on your buddies stuff who claimed he bought the best shit on the market.
Negatron on that! Still staying light at 200lbs. Just finished up about five rounds of Barbell Complex, 800 meters (100m x 8) of 105lbs farmers carries (52.5lbs ea. hand) then 30 minutes of repeats on this brutal set of stairs outside my compound. Constantly training for the main events on thursday the 5th and friday the 6th of February 2015. KOH!

can we take this thread back to Crossfit and general fitness regiments? :bleh:

I love Barbell Complex. :thumb:
can we take this thread back to Crossfit and general fitness regiments? :bleh:

I love Barbell Complex. :thumb:

After watching you struggle with those 37s last weekend I took you for more of the bodybuilding type. Sort of like our favorite little monkey friend. :cheesy:
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