Got home last night after a week in Moab, figured i would update the build thread on how the rig did out there. I ran gold bar rim to Golden spike just to the crack then back out the way i came in, top of the world, and the N section of fins and things.
Overall i am very pleased with how the rig performed. First off the coopers DAMN they are awesome they did way better than the last 2 times i did moab with the KM2s. i ran them at 15psi the whole time and they did not disappoint.
since this is the first time i did any significant wheeling with the 2 dr i really got to compare it to my old 4dr and i am very very impressed. its a totally new experience, the off camber steep stuff is a bit more sketchy but out of the 3 days i was out there i think i barely even touched the skid plates once. the short brake over angle and tight turn radius is really nice on the trail. I was a little more conservative with the lines i took considering i was solo and my wife is not an experienced spotter but i didnt take it easy on the rig and every time i would brace thinking i would drag belly, hit rock rails, or scrape the rear frame rails it never hit.
moving on to the trail leader package i put in. the Air lockers are nice. the instant lock and unlock really is convenient when needing to make turns shortly before and after obstacles and was highlighted by the fact that the 1 guy i ran with in a JLUR having a hard time getting his e lockers to unlock in spots that he needed to turn right away. As far as gearing the 4.88s are nice BUT i think 5.13s would be a better fit. i still like that i didnt not go that route due to tiny pinion size if the D44s but there were a few spots that i wished i had just a little more gear to stay off the clutch a little more. the 4.88s were plenty for 95% of the wheeling though (No clue how i tolerated the stock 4.10s in my old rubi :icon_crazy
my suspension choice turned out fantastic. the evo 2" front and OME med duty rear in my opinion is the perfect fit for a 2dr on 37s. helped me stay low enough to not feel like im gonna flop on the off camber stuff and i had PLENTY of articulation. My rear shocks are still a little short for the new springs so thats on the to do list still but overall i got great articulation and with the rancho 9000s set to 3 it was a very comfortable ride.
about the only thing i struggled with, and i figured i would, is the steering. trying to push those 37s deep in the rocks there is just no way with the stock steering. it was most noticeable in the golden crack when the steering wheel was being pulled out of my hand and i could not turn the wheel at all and to not risk braking something i kinda just had to let the wheels turn where they wanted to go. there were a few times it happened to me and was a little frustrating but with my current steering set up the hydro assist ram will not fit. I also cut the ram bracket off already so until i get to addressing big steering mods its just gonna have to stay the way it is.
I think thats it! overall it was a great trip and all of my time and money building this thing up really payed off. if i had someone more experienced with me i would have pushed it a bit harder but i was a great first real shake down of the new rig and i cant wait to push it more and more.