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  1. jeeeep

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    fbi, every Democrat right now "SOB, GD, MF.... can't we get a white male church going shooter for fucks sake, contact all the msm no story here, bury it!"
  2. jeeeep

    Critter Tread - Trapping

    I kind of expected Jeep brand coon/skunk skin caps showing up in the For Sale section by now, gotta say I'm a little disappointed. signed, Wile E. C.
  3. jeeeep

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    hmm...they bombed the middle class to near extinction within the 1st week and now wants to make it stronger? oh yeah, in the marxist definition way...
  4. jeeeep

    Jeep Bash September 7th Bolsa Chica

    damn, only 10-12 hours away but I'm not illegal enough; if I got pulled over, my English without an accent would give me away but likely my Texas plates would block my entry at the state line. 🤪
  5. jeeeep

    Random Photos

    I see that guy's clones all around Salt Lake City, it's sad that this beautiful state now resembles too much commifornia and portland
  6. jeeeep

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    showing this to the liberal next door who did not know Harris was the tie breaker on whether to tax tips or not, who did not know her agenda for America is socialist, who is unhappy with the economy but she is democrat and the only counter argument is.... Trump is a felon, he lowered taxes for...
  7. jeeeep

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    rank choice voting... the 3-card monty scam of voting
  8. jeeeep

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    trying to stay relevant when you realize sucking dick got you nowhere so you team up with the one that has most knee calluses.
  9. jeeeep

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    first thing out of my mouth to my 'I'll cut my hand off if the tell me to" hardcore democrat sister... they knew, there were warnings and they did nothing. meanwhile, guy posts a mean meme and gets arrested the next day...
  10. jeeeep

    A Dirt Head's JK

    I should send my beadlocks to your cleaning lol
  11. jeeeep

    Critter Tread - Trapping

    you keep clearing out all those critters, coyote are bound to get hungry, careless and fall into your trap. So you got what, about 15,000 more possums to get rid of, few hundred raccoons, skunks....
  12. jeeeep

    What "Class" is a stock JKUR Receiver Hitch?

    I've rented many 5x8 trailers using my JKU hardtop. the 2x1 receiver ball has the weight rating stamped on it (6000#) and what I've used as proof.
  13. jeeeep


    IMO, neither look for a clean Rubicon unless you have a budget to do a complete build
  14. jeeeep

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    They're really self entitled asswipes for not getting a yearly clue from mother nature ... "I don't want you here, get the fuck out and stay the fuck out"
  15. jeeeep

    JK auto gearbox

    check the shifting linkage under the Jeep, they use a plastic bushing that's prone to failure. and stay out of the mud, it's a Jeep, not a hog lol
  16. jeeeep

    Jk6 hellcat

    1000 feet of burnout before filling up again? lol
  17. jeeeep

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    so he was left in a sticky situation? he should be thankful, they stopped him from getting caught with his pants down..
  18. jeeeep

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    another state lost to the democrat single party control agenda. The lawfare ivy league socialist camps have been teaching is working. I fail to understand this enamor with socialism; has social media really had this much impact on normalizing the socialist agenda? imo, yes.
  19. jeeeep

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    have a lawn mower, 4 batteries and use them all for the average size back yard of mine, supposedly supposed to be enough for 2 acres LMFAO, 2 acres of astroturf maybe.
  20. jeeeep

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    I bought hi-flow nozzles from Amazon, used a self tap screw with an o-ring and put it in the back of the handle for adjustable air flow. fuck those wasteful eco spouts that leak all over your shoes, hands everywhere but into the tank.
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