Random Internet Shit you've come across

I have a lot of family there. So many commies have moved there and keep voting commie. I really don't understand why someone would flee a shithole for a better place and then vote the same way to make their new place of living a shithole. It's a real cancer destroying good places.
Most of the population lives in one big city. Most people living in the rural areas and smaller towns vote conservative.
Isn't it ironic how conservatives don't move to liberal areas and try to change it. Farmer John in the sticks: "It's nice here, friendly people, low cost of living, not crowded, government not too intrusive...honey, let's move to Chicago and make it like it is here!
Isn't it ironic how conservatives don't move to liberal areas and try to change it. Farmer John in the sticks: "It's nice here, friendly people, low cost of living, not crowded, government not too intrusive...honey, let's move to Chicago and make it like it is here!

It’s in the Lib-Tards nature to make other people live the way they think you should live. Conservatives, Constitutional Conservatives, just want to be left alone and will leave others alone. Self-determination and personal responsibility. A.K.A: Freedom

There are some very religious individuals that meddle in other people’s lives, but simply being religious does not make you a conservative and being conservative does not make you religious. It’s Lib-Tard propaganda that conservatives are all hyper religious ‘fuddy-duddies’ who try to tell everyone how to live.
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