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  1. TrailHunter

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Lemon is a Douche Whistle.. he’s just trying stay relevant.
  2. TrailHunter

    Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

    Makes me want to sell my 65 and get another square body... Looks Awesome.
  3. TrailHunter

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Great Shots Man
  4. TrailHunter

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Sometimes... Less is More.
  5. TrailHunter

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Democrats know how to throw a killer party.
  6. TrailHunter

    Cocktail Hour

    You seriously don't know... or joking?
  7. TrailHunter

    Music - What are you listening to?

    They were killin it in the late 90's but they Broke up... now they are touring again.
  8. TrailHunter

    Show Off Your Guns!

  9. TrailHunter

    Music - What are you listening to?

  10. TrailHunter

    Music - What are you listening to?

  11. TrailHunter

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    100%... People can change for the better when they open their eyes... I believe her eyes are open. She would be an Amazing 1st Female Pres. Her core Values are Solid.
  12. TrailHunter

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    If that BS happens… Gabbard/Vance
  13. TrailHunter


    Job Security (need to bump up those numbers a bit)
  14. TrailHunter


    A couple mild SoCal Earthquakes within a week. 5.5 & 4.5 ish.
  15. TrailHunter

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Yup.. If I walk in the door or need meds.. its cheap.. but If I need an Xray or Tests, or Go in the ER vs urgent care… they bend me over on top of my monthly… The deductible has all this fine print bullshit. I’m not even against insurance.. the problem is we are paying for insurance fraud...
  16. TrailHunter

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Yup.. I pay an average of $450 a month.. Just recently visted my doctor for the first time in 12 years for a check up.. Thats 65k for nothing… had to visit the ER or Urgent care a few times in that 12 years and still got charged.. And my insurance/deductible is considered “good”. Fucking...
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