Random Internet Shit you've come across

Isn’t it easy to confirm weather or not she is a he? Quick blood/dna test.

Serious question, if someone is born with xxy chromosomes what are they?

Logically (😂) I guess you would go by what kind of privates they got? For competition they shouldn’t be able to compete against women. Sorry pick another way to get your aggression out
This is really going to mess with dem voters. She keeps flip-flopping on whether she wants parents to kill babies or get money for having them.

Logically (😂) I guess you would go by what kind of privates they got? For competition they shouldn’t be able to compete against women. Sorry pick another way to get your aggression out
Two days after JD Vance said he’d like to raise the child tax credit to 5k and all media were bemoaning how expensive that would be. Haha we truly do live in clown world.
Oops this was supposed to be to WJCOs post.
This is really going to mess with dem voters. She keeps flip-flopping on whether she wants parents to kill babies or get money for having them
Two days after JD Vance said he’d like to raise the child tax credit to 5k and all media were bemoaning how expensive that would be. Haha we truly do live in clown world.
She is literally taking everything the right says and putting that on her campaign because she has nothing listed.

“$1 Bob!”
Hard to believe 12 years has flown by since the election. Found this on a memory posted online.
She gave the establishment hell and Council meetings went from the same four or five people attending meetings to being standing room only because she was beating the good old boys club and making a difference.
29 Palms has returned to its old self since she left.
Now she just keeps me busy taking our granddaughter to Legoland, Great Wolf Lodge, and other assorted similar places.IMG_7694.jpeg
Don't want to mess with USAF Security Police. They call down a TON of reinforcements in no time and those trucks have heavy caliber on them.
On time we had foolishly entered a gate were driving past the nuclear capable planes (B52's I think) at Barksdale Air Force base in Louisiana, and were only a couple of hundred feet away from the planes. It only took a few minutes until an armored vehicle with a 50mm machine gun on it (and seriously pointed at us) stopped our car and we were ordered to get out and lay on the hot concrete with our hands behind our necks. Other security vehicles surrounded us. My fat boss was sweating like crazy, especially since it was 106 degrees outside. After some minutes of explanation (and calls to the Master Sergeant), we were allowed to stand up and were escorted across the concrete to the jet engine test stand, which was our destination. After that, big tricycles were our normal mode of transportation since we needed to travel from the buildings to close to the air strip (where the jet engine test stand was) regularly.
On time we had foolishly entered a gate were driving past the nuclear capable planes (B52's I think) at Barksdale Air Force base in Louisiana, and were only a couple of hundred feet away from the planes. It only took a few minutes until an armored vehicle with a 50mm machine gun on it (and seriously pointed at us) stopped our car and we were ordered to get out and lay on the hot concrete with our hands behind our necks. Other security vehicles surrounded us. My fat boss was sweating like crazy, especially since it was 106 degrees outside. After some minutes of explanation (and calls to the Master Sergeant), we were allowed to stand up and were escorted across the concrete to the jet engine test stand, which was our destination. After that, big tricycles were our normal mode of transportation since we needed to travel from the buildings to close to the air strip (where the jet engine test stand was) regularly.

The Air Force does not fuck around when it comes to security. Those planes are expen$ive!
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