Once again you say I'm not telling the truth but I have pics of the damaged or lack of but I ask one person that claims to have damage caused by the fenders because he just didn't cut his like you. I'm the one that's comes up with lame shit? Ha...
Once again you say I'm not telling the truth but I have pics of the damaged or lack of but I ask one person that claims to have damage caused by the fenders because he just didn't cut his like you. I'm the one that's comes up with lame shit? Ha...
Please, your lame ass pic just shows that you scratched the corner of your tube fender. This of course, the point where it's closest to the pinch seam and door where the body is the strongest. You'll forgive me if I'm far from impressed. Of course, if you're so sure they'll hold up even to a direct hit at the center of the fender, by all means, find yourself a BIGASS rock or tree and TRY IT AGAIN. Please, prove me wrong. :yup:
As far as my FREE trimmed factory fenders go, so sue me, I like trying to save people some money. Fast forward to 7:07 and you can see me hitting a tree hard enough to rip one off....
At the top of the hill, I just popped it back on - no body damage.