Ace Fenders

Dang I wish I had some ACE flares. This is what my salvage build looked like after a 30 mph side impact.

View attachment 75523

Would have saved me a lot of work...

Sorry I couldn't resist.

What are you talking about... that'll buff right out :cheesy:

Glad you're ok though. What hit you... an 18 wheeler? I've seen a lot of crashes... I have a direct stream from a few Police Dept picture feeds... and that looks like you got slammed by something pretty big. :eek:
What are you talking about... that'll buff right out :cheesy:

Glad you're ok though. What hit you... an 18 wheeler? I've seen a lot of crashes... I have a direct stream from a few Police Dept picture feeds... and that looks like you got slammed by something pretty big. :eek:

I bought it this way to rebuild, it wasn't me who wrecked it thankfully. Based on the fact that there is nothing in it but dirt it looks like the slid it into a ditch or something. It set off the passenger seat airbag but that's it so it was a direct side hit. That and no frame damage, only the body. Too much dirt and no other shrapnel to have been hit by another vehicle.
Nice! Thanks!

Just another thing to add to my list of stuff I want to do that I need nicer weather to complete... oh well... until then :beer:

no problem. just follow the write up and they'll turn out great. mine pretty much look like eddies as far as the cut and everyone can't believe they're just stock flares,and being that it's free makes it that much better.
While that was not my Jeep, You can read about it on the ACE Facebook page. It was posted by the owner... ;) When we had our last JKUR, my wife hit a mini van with the stock bumper at about 30mph and totaled the van and only dented the stock bumper... so its pretty possible.

Sorry, not gonna scroll through a FB page just to hear someone else's over glorified account of how wonderful their ACE fenders held up on an ACE fanpage. What I can tell you is that the JK is no minivan and it has sheet metal about as tough as tissue paper. I have personally seen JK's with metal or even hard plastic fenders take a hard hit on the trail and, while the fenders still looked great, the body took on a significant amount of damage. If the owner of the JK were honest, he would admit that the hit was nowhere close to being as hard as he said it was.
Eddie, what did you use to make your edges look like that? Think I'm feeling these free ones after seeing them with that edge.

I see someone has already posted up a link to my writeup and that should help you out :yup:

Dang I wish I had some ACE flares. This is what my salvage build looked like after a 30 mph side impact.

View attachment 75523

Would have saved me a lot of work...

Sorry I couldn't resist.

Well, that's looks like a pretty bad hit but really, it's closer to what I would have expected to see than nothing at all as was shown. :crazyeyes:
Well I've seen plenty of accidents both slow and fast moving and to say just because its on the a Facebook page doesn't make it false. Thats like saying everything you read on the web is false. :thinking:

Either way I don't care... its not my Jeep. I do know that no 2 accidents are the same... I could total a car at 40 mph, or do almost no damage. Doesn't change the fact that the ACE gear is good gear. Whether you'd buy the product or not, for whatever the reason, the style or the shape... it doesn't change the fact its made from heavy weight steel.

I'm not really sure whats with the hostility towards them either :thinking: I've only ever heard good things about them.
Well I've seen plenty of accidents both slow and fast moving and to say just because its on the a Facebook page doesn't make it false. Thats like saying everything you read on the web is false. :thinking:

Either way I don't care... its not my Jeep. I do know that no 2 accidents are the same... I could total a car at 40 mph, or do almost no damage. Doesn't change the fact that the ACE gear is good gear. Whether you'd buy the product or not, for whatever the reason, the style or the shape... it doesn't change the fact its made from heavy weight steel.

I'm not really sure whats with the hostility towards them either :thinking: I've only ever heard good things about them.

Nobody is hostile toward ace it's more toward the BS claims that you made. Take it from a Facebook page if you want but myself and a lot of others will take what we know from first hand knowledge.
Well I've seen plenty of accidents both slow and fast moving and to say just because its on the a Facebook page doesn't make it false. Thats like saying everything you read on the web is false. :thinking:

Either way I don't care... its not my Jeep. I do know that no 2 accidents are the same... I could total a car at 40 mph, or do almost no damage. Doesn't change the fact that the ACE gear is good gear. Whether you'd buy the product or not, for whatever the reason, the style or the shape... it doesn't change the fact its made from heavy weight steel.

I'm not really sure whats with the hostility towards them either :thinking: I've only ever heard good things about them.

:cheesy: Honestly, there's no hostility toward ACE or toward you for that matter or at least from me anyway - I'm just expressing an honest opinion and that's these fenders look like ass.

Having said that, I will again reiterate that I am no fan of steel tube fenders of ANY kind. Over the last 7+ years, I have seen them take hits on the trail and DO very real body damage. Based on what I have seen with my own eyes, I find it impossible for them to take even a 5 MPH hit without doing some kind of body damage. To suggest that it can take a 40 MPH hit is just stupid and really, I can't believe that ACE would leave that kind of silliness on their FB page. Certainly, it doesn't do much for their credibility.
Nobody is hostile toward ace it's more toward the BS claims that you made. Take it from a Facebook page if you want but myself and a lot of others will take what we know from first hand knowledge.

So you're being hostile towards me... because what??... I posted something that was on the ACE Facebook page??? That makes a lot of sense. Well I guess I'll just keep my opinions to myself.

And your first hand knowledge of what? accidents and ACE gear... Please feel free to educate me then... So am I to assume then you've personally been in a wreck with this gear then?
The Ace fenders are ugly as sin and the ones, I've seen I have not been impressed with the welds, I realize there is prep involved with paint and powder coat but it shouldn't involve a flapper disk on almost the whole weld.
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