
Wow, I just now saw this. Pretty lame to not mention that holes were never drilled let alone bolts installed. It does make me have to question the integrity of anything being said here. :naw:

I understand that and I explained it earlier on here. I assumed he did it and swore by it, long after the fact I found out he did not and was mad at him and embarrassed on here. He showed me the passenger rear corner of the stinger where the base plate to be drilled was bent upwards during shipping and couldn't get a bit to line up correctly and then never got around to it afterwards. I didn't know that, and I did shy away from coming out and stating that the info was incorrect on the random photos thread, that's my fault. Hindsight is 20/20. I believe the bend in shipping also could be related to the old crack at base of stinger that showed rust. So him having it on a extended period of time (while half installed) and off-roading with the wet conditions attributed to the failure. Again I should of manned up and took my internet whooping then, albeit it might not have mattered on this thread. It was pulled from the DRing tho, at least that was truthful
Lots of blaming here. Shipping, bent blah blah blah, little accountability. I still think the whole thing is a scam and you are a sucker if you actually believe it.
Lots of blaming here. Shipping, bent blah blah blah, little accountability. I still think the whole thing is a scam and you are a sucker if you actually believe it.

I dug up the post from what did brown Santa show up with. The only damaged box in this photo is his stinger box, and that hole is where it was dropped so hard the plate that was bent went thru the box.... Doesn't take away from the fact it wasn't installed correctly tho

Down here man, you give a guy you know $500 and your car is 90% never seen again. Or you can break your glass at your place, drive it to a far place with no tag, once there pop the ignition with a screwdriver, then torch it, wait till morning and say it was stolen in the night. Or go to overtown/goulds/allapatah/liberty city/carol city/or anywhere on Martin Luther king blvd and just walk away from your truck for 5 minutes with keys inside to grab a soda and that shits gonna be gone. Plus lots of other fun ways. Fact is you look for the fraud way to try to justify your view. It's cool, that's your opinion but it's just your opinion and in no way by you guys pretending to be Sherlock Holmes are you correct and it bothers you. Bothers you so much that you absolutely can't believe otherwise, your conviction is so strong that he is nothing but a liar and a lucky sob. But all those ways are a lot easier then what my brother went thru. So again no luck, or good lying. All it was was a little bad luck (sector shaft/pitman arm break) stupidity on his part (leaving his jk there, more then once!) and shit head ppl that like destroying ppls things (again more then once). This thread would never existed otherwise if it were fraudulent because I wouldn't want a digital trail of incriminating evidence to lock my brother up , or multiple attempts at recovering it his vehicle and leaving more possible evidence, or having police and tow trucks there more then once etc etc.... It's ok buddy, things ended the way they should have for the victim here

Ps regarding the post you called fishy. I said I'd post the outcome of this ordeal, and that was it

Wow! See what mean.
But your still freakin HERE PRETTY MUCH WHERE YOUR NOT WANTED , lamely trying to con everybody into believing your pathetic story. Probably wasn't your brother or was probably you.

Good God, find a Miami hooker and tell her, she would love to hear your story.
Wow! See what mean.
But your still freakin HERE PRETTY MUCH WHERE YOUR NOT WANTED , lamely trying to con everybody into believing your pathetic story. Probably wasn't your brother or was probably you.

Good God, find a Miami hooker and tell her, she would love to hear your story.

Cool story "Brent"
Why the fuck would I shut up, especially after all the shit you gave me? You talked all this shit the whole thread and at the end none of it mattered because the issue was resolved truthfully. So I'll stay here and parade how all of you naysayers are fucking retards. So respectfully kiss my ass over lander. You act like a faggot because he didn't drill six holes, it's ridiculous. Now I'll shut up.

Glad to know I upset you over an Internet forum.

Needs thicker skin? ✔️

Second you are full of shit. You scammed insurance and will get what's coming to you.

Karma is a bitch? ✔️

And lastly no thief would open a radiator cap and put dirty water in it. It's called hydrolocking a motor and it's what your "brother" did. He made you look like a fool.

Brother made you look like a fool....twice? ✔️ and mate
Glad to know I upset you over an Internet forum.

Needs thicker skin? ✔️

Second you are full of shit. You scammed insurance and will get what's coming to you.

Karma is a bitch? ✔️

And lastly no thief would open a radiator cap and put dirty water in it. It's called hydrolocking a motor and it's what your "brother" did. He made you look like a fool.

Brother made you look like a fool....twice? ✔️ and mate

Lmao your something else. Water in radiator isn't hydro locking, it's water into air intake that would do that. Your piston will seize and won't allow combustion you retard. Also day 1 I would've recovered him if my JK wasn't in the shop since July 1st because he called me to help. So take your check mate and shove it up your ass. You are by far one of the dumbest ppl I have ever encountered. Truly incredible
Lmao your something else. Water in radiator isn't hydro locking, it's water into air intake that would do that. Your piston will seize and won't allow combustion you retard. Also day 1 I would've recovered him if my JK wasn't in the shop since July 1st because he called me to help. So take your check mate and shove it up your ass. You are by far one of the dumbest ppl I have ever encountered. Truly incredible

i just read this entire thread, very entertaining.

is your brother going out again anytime soon? :fingerscrossed:
Just a doush bag!

Lol yes I'm a doush bag. If by doush bag you mean having the ability to stand up to all naysayers and stand your ground with more spine then you'll ever have. Then yes I am a doush bag. All I did here was tell a story and then time after time show proof of things that happened. While many would've cowarded away or said screw this form I stood here and took it, it was easy too, the truth prevails like you say. And that bothers you lol so go run to your wife again so she can pamper you and say yes "Brent" your right again because apparently she wears the pants in your parents basement
Lol yes I'm a doush bag. If by doush bag you mean having the ability to stand up to all naysayers and stand your ground with more spine then you'll ever have. Then yes I am a doush bag. All I did here was tell a story and then time after time show proof of things that happened. While many would've cowarded away or said screw this form I stood here and took it, it was easy too, the truth prevails like you say. And that bothers you lol so go run to your wife again so she can pamper you and say yes "Brent" your right again because apparently she wears the pants in your parents basement

That's funny Doush bag. But No.
But since you want to insult now.
You know the best part of you and your brother?
It's the jizz that ran down your mommas leg after your daddy forgot to pull out.
That's the best part of you and your brother.
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