Meme King
Is what you're hearing an oscillating noise or is it constant?
It's almost like a rapid clicking but it doesn't sound very violent. It increases with speed. And it comes and goes only on accel or decel, and seems more common at lower speeds especially when coming to a stop. The weirdest thing is that it doesn't do it within the first couple miles of driving, almost like when something is cold it won't occur. But then after 2 miles of driving or so, it pops up either right when I accel or right when I decel. Seems like it stays more constant under deceleration until vehicle almost rolls to a stop. Almost sounds like something rubbing on something, but slightly metallic. I'll try to get an audio clip if I can. Other weird thing is if I roll down the window and stick my head out, can't hear it as much. Louder inside the jeep with windows up.