Which winch?

Everyone bags on foreign products all the time. I'd like to see all the "high" and "low" end winch breaks. If the low end winches...and products are shit then why are so many sold?

Because people are fucking stupid.


This is one where my Jeep is about on its side because I had to have someone winch me instead of using my own which.


Here’s another where my winch didn’t work and I really needed it. But more power to you and buying shit winches to look cool and never use it.

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View attachment 299526

Here’s another where my winch didn’t work and I really needed it. But more power to you and buying shit winches to look cool and never use it.

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That spot looks familiar. My Toyota broke the both of the front axle shafts right about there years ago.

I was glad I had a Warn 9000 and a High Lift. With no help in sight, it would have been a long walk back to camp if the winch failed.

It's hard to tell I. The picture but is this cable pinched? Almost looks like it might be, and could be rubbed through on the case. View attachment 299518

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I will check this first tonight. I gave up and went to bed as soon as I realized that my electrial kit was in my work truck, not at home.

Good eye. Thanks
Nah. I don’t make a habit of taking apart and taking and keeping pictures of other people’s breaks, especially the ones that are covered by their warranty anyways. Not my problem :p
Pics or it didn’t happen request denied.

How convenient. :rolleyes2:
Because people are fucking stupid.

View attachment 299525

This is one where my Jeep is about on its side because I had to have someone winch me instead of using my own which.

View attachment 299526

Here’s another where my winch didn’t work and I really needed it. But more power to you and buying shit winches to look cool and never use it.

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Judging from your pic of your winch you were lacking in taking care of and maintaining it. Don't blame the winch blame yourself. Lol! :)
Just about anything will break given enough time/neglect or hard use. Cheaper companies with poor quality control will definitely make the failure numbers higher. I knew when I was buying one that it would be more of a convenience tool (so I don't have to wait/pay for a tow). I don't ever plan on putting myself or my family in a life and death situation where only a winch will save us. That all being said, if money was no option I would have gotten a Warn. As it stands my Superwinch has worked fine for the light use I given it over the past couple of years. It pulled me out of the mud once (when I could've gotten a tow if I wanted to wait), it pulled a full size downed tree out of the road (we could've just turned around), and it pulled a stump out of the yard (could've dug it out).

...and since pics or it didn't happen. This is the most recent one I could find. It was about a 40' tree. It's run through a snatch block to the left behind the Jeep.
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Everyone bags on foreign products all the time. I'd like to see all the "high" and "low" end winch breaks. If the low end winches...and products are shit then why are so many sold?

Because most people will never use their winch and don’t know that it seized solid or stopped working 2 years ago.

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As stated lack of maintenance is a big part.

I find your stance on this fascinating. Have you ever had a US made product be inferior to a Chinese product? Ever? In anything (clothing,auto parts,tools)

I get it. Your heels are dug in to justify your purchase.
I find your stance on this fascinating. Have you ever had a US made product be inferior to a Chinese product? Ever? In anything (clothing,auto parts,tools)

If you are fascinated you must be bored. I buy all types of products. You guys strictly us-made? I seriously doubt it. I have had some fail and some not. Fuck, I came across warn winches all the time that need rebuilt because you're seized. Does that make them a piece of s***? You can get rebuild parts for all winches. Engo winch works great it even works great after I took out a light pole. I bought it for about $300 and sold it for 75. My point is you need to maintain s***. Look at the pictures of the solenoids. If you go out on a trip and you don't check your stuff for one you're a f****** idiot. Yeah I'm text talking. Are you going to bag on some of the vendors on here that's all Chinese parts?

I get it. Your heels are dug in to justify your purchase.

This, is probably one of the most dumb ass f****** remarks that people make.
:thinking: Mark this day as first time ever that Pete censored himself! You have a nun looking over your shoulder as you typed that out? :cheesy:

Lol!!! Text talk driving and drinking my cup of joe!!! As much as I text fucking you would think this phone would recognize it!
Hahaha! Hope its a good one!
And cut that non-cussing shit out - it doesn't sound like the fucking Pete I've come to know here! ;)
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