I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I fail to see why guys like you take this so personally. I mean, it's your money and your Jeep and clearly, you should be free to what you want to do with both. It's not like you're manhood is being questioned or anything. Some of us are just trying to provide the best advice we can offer and based on personal experience. I'm sure I don't use my winch nearly as much as you or the next guy does but for over 10 years now, my WARN PowerPlant has been getting the job done time and time again in situations like this:
Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't trust just any winch to have Cindy or I do something like that.
Conversely, if you fast forward to 12:10 on this video, this is something I have personally seen time and time again with China winches.
Does that mean ALL China winches will fail like this? Nope. Does this mean that an American winch will NEVER fail? Nope. I wouldn't even begin to suggest as much. The issue here is with quality control or the lack thereof. Even if just 1 in a 100 China winches are bound to fail, I'd rather not be that one guy who got that 1 especially when it mattered most. Likewise, when guys like me recommend a WARN, it's because we're sincerely just trying to offer the BEST advice we can and based on our limited experience. But then, who the hell am I anyway. In the end, what you or anyone ultimately chooses to go with is of no concern of mine.
Back on topic for just a second, hey OP, I'm still curious as to why you're "not so fond of warn anymore". Not trying to challenge you or anything, just curious.