Where did your Jeep take You this Week?

Currently at Keanakolu cabins for the weekend. Dads only trip for Father’s Day weekend. Just me last night, everyone else coming today. They’ve recently wired up lights and outlets which is awesome. Tested out the Yeti 1500x last night. Knocked out and left the lights on all night 😬 woke up and it had 60% left. Nomad 200 goin to work today.
More West Mountain shenanigans. While playing in the deep ruts running along the trail, both axles got hung up and all four tires were in the air. This is the first time I’ve gotten Gypsy stuck well enough I couldn’t just drive out. A bit of lift with the bottle jack and some shoveling freed her up!

The view to the west from the mountain top. Out there someplace is Little Moab and Five Mile Pass OHV Park
Princeton NJ, Carnegie lake


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Long story for a long night. Sorry!
A few months back I was bored and really didn't have time to run the entire road, on a late start and my bone headed navigation skills I took off down the Mojave Road. Of course, from the wrong starting point, figured I would go as far I could, stop some place and climb in the back for a nap. Started getting dark at the Lava Tubes, then I headed for the mailbox. Ate some dinner. Then finding that frog shrine in the dark was creepy.
Looking at the map and seeing that it looks like a halfway point, I decided to bail out and head for Amboy then 29 Palms. Easy enough looks like I just continue down the road past the mailbox and make a right turn on Powerline Road. And bam that will put me straight into Amboy. Well Powerline Rd was going to fuck with me. Just a few miles into it I came to a washed-out road with what looks to be a very steep and sharp turn way-a-round. Very steep climb with loose and soft shale rock with a tight left at the top, So I go for it. Keeps digging in at the top getting deeper and deeper pulling me to the left with each try. Filling in the holes, stacking rocks, getting in and out at a 45* angle was getting old fast. Time for the winch. All I need is maybe 2 feet to get my front tires on the trail. All that was close was a large rock for an anchor. Pulled the rock to me instead. Last option was desert shrubs and Joshua trees clustered close enough together and just in reach of my winch line. I knew I didn't want to damage a Joshua Tree, I took a twenty foot strap a went around a bunch of shit, it worked pulled me right on up. About 3:30 am now. Headed to the Casino in Twenty-Nine Palms ended up walking out with about $5000.00 that afternoon.
Again sorry so long.. Few pictures.20220424_141220.jpg20220424_191102.jpg20220424_191122.jpg20220424_191159.jpg20220424_192537.jpg20220424_194749.jpg20220424_204434.jpg20220424_210806.jpg20220424_211333.jpg
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