WAYALIFE on the GO : Miscellaneous Photos from Cindy & Eddie!

Also, you thirty years ago looks exactly like these two combined together.
Okay, for those of you who know me well, you know that I can't stand Facebook. I mean, I really hate everything about it and try to spend as little time on it as possible. Sure, we maintain a presence there as we do travel a lot and take photos of just about everything we do and for better or for worse, it is where we've been posting most of this stuff up. Well, there and Instagram (which is a bit better) but I digress. Anyway, Cindy and I got to talking and thought, why not just start a thread for ourselves here on WAYALIFE and basically post up all the miscellaneous pics that we would otherwise post up there. If nothing else, it would make it easier for us to keep track of all the single photos we take and really have nothing to do with anything else and with any luck, maybe a few of you will even like what you see. In a nutshell that's how this new "WAYALIFE on the GO" got started - I hope you enjoy.
I’m with you about Facebook, that’s why I deleted it and don’t miss it. I watch Instagram for animal and car stuff.
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