WAYALIFE on the GO : Miscellaneous Photos from Cindy & Eddie!

Because BIGGER is better! Good day at EVO testing out the all new 42” Nitto Trail Grapplers on our Gladiator.

Looks fantastic. Are you still running the same amount of lift height? And will it still fit in your garage? Asking for a friend...
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That’s insane! Hopefully some more pictures or a video to come?

Yep. This was all kind of last minute so it won't be anything special but we did do some filming and hope to get it up soon. :yup:

Carefully the moderators of this forum may "fact check" this and remove it because 42 is a violation of community guidelines...haha. Looks so good.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Looks fantastic. Are you still running the same amount of lift height? And will it still fit in your garage? Asking for a friend...

This was an initial test to see how they would clear and how much more lift and or trimming would be needed to make them work. As it stands, we will need a bit more lift and or may need to trim our fenders a bit more. Essentially, loose the black trim. The JT doesn't fit in our front garage, a standard 7' header but only because we have the spare on the roof rack.
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