Lots of cooking today...
Started off with a typical breakfast for us on the weekend.

Sweet potato, onion, mushroom, chorizo hash, fried eggs, and the kids got mushroom, spinach, onion scrambled eggs, all served with homemade bone broth.
Lunch consisted on about 24 chicken legs grilled on the BBQ with a nice salad and some Chardonnay. The extra will be used for lunches this week.
Dinner was Elk roast...I rubbed the roast with some dry rub and let it sit most of the day, after it was on the BBQ for a while I decided it was going to take too long and didn't want to overcook it, so ended up butterflying it, quickly searing it and letting it finish cooking with some butter melting on top.
Paired it with a Cabernet, garlic sautéed tomatoes, spinach salad and called it delicious.