Watcha cookin'?

Add to this some wilted rainbow chard salad, a few cucumbers, apple slices and a "salad smoothie" and that's what I call a pretty decent meal.

Those look good Chris. What's in the sauce?

Please do not tell anyone brother because it's a 200 year old family receipt it's Diana sauce both the honey garlic & the gourmet original. Lol

What they loose in street cred they make up for in taste!

Driver driver GAS!
WAYALIFE mobile app
This was a great recipe. Heart was tasty! Think I'm throwing some ribs in the sauce on Tuesday.

Prepped for the week.

Eggs/bacon/ peppers and onion for breakfast

Meat sauce (pork/turkey and bacon)

[not pictured: spaghetti squash for the meat sauce]

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