Looking good...what’s he rest of the fam eating?...
Looks good. I can never get wings right on the bbq. Everything else is good, wings for some reason are my nemesis.
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Looking good...what’s he rest of the fam eating?...
Looks good. I can never get wings right on the bbq. Everything else is good, wings for some reason are my nemesis.
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Looks good. I can never get wings right on the bbq. Everything else is good, wings for some reason are my nemesis.
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Same. No matter what I do, my kids say they are soggy.
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Thai Coconut Curry Soup and basmati rice tonight. Yum! 
View attachment 344947.
View attachment 344948.
We also made a sourdough bread starter today.
View attachment 344949
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View attachment 345062
Vegan enchiladas and vegetarian enchiladas with walnut meat, refried beans and black beans. Ready to go into the oven.
NY strip steak, roasted acorn squash & carrots, rice pilaf, broccoli soup (purging the fridge before a grocery run)
Next to the rib roast?...
Next to the rib roast?...
Looks good! What's the walnut meat? Is it a paste or something?
2 cups walnuts, 2tbs olive oil, small can green chili, package taco seasoning. Run through the food processor. Spread onto a baking pan and pop into a 350f oven for 10min. After baking it breaks up to a taco meat consistency. Makes for a decent meat alternative.
My oldest daughter has recently become vegan...I’ve given up trying to cure her, so I’ve been researching vegan recipes to cook for her whenever she comes’s been challenging for me...
That sounds good. gonna have to try that.
I'm not vegan but try to eat plant based first and add heart healthy proteins as sides or additions. It's not as hard as you think, it just takes a while to get used to planning a meal without a meat protein as the focal point. There's some really good vegan cookbooks out there. I'll sometimes follow them and still add a meat protein or sometimes not.