Upcoming Trip: 2015 WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run 01/03/15

Okay, I just updated the list and we are now at 54 Jeeps of which 24 of them will be joining us at Buffalo Bills the night before. :eek:

I see that there are a few folks coming in from really far away places and while I'm thrilled that you'd be crazy enough to make the drive out, I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of what they're getting themselves into. First and foremost, I need to stress that this is an EASY SCENIC RUN and while we will be doing a ton of driving on dirt, you most likely will NOT need 4WD. Also, with 50+ Jeeps, things will be slow going and our convoy will literally stretch 2 miles long or MORE depending on the dust. IF you don't have a CB, I would highly recommend getting one even if it's a handheld unit as you will miss out on some of the fun.

Now, I say all this because I don't want anyone to come out thinking that we'll be doing some hardcore low range wheeling and then be disappointed. In a lot of ways, this run is our way of starting off the new year by getting people on the forum together and having some fun - kind of a bigass meet-n-greet just out on the trail.

With all that said, if you're still game to join us, I'll be looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Okay, I just updated the list and we are now at 54 Jeeps of which 24 of them will be joining us at Buffalo Bills the night before. :eek:

I see that there are a few folks coming in from really far away places and while I'm thrilled that you'd be crazy enough to make the drive out, I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of what they're getting themselves into. First and foremost, I need to stress that this is an EASY SCENIC RUN and while we will be doing a ton of driving on dirt, you most likely will NOT need 4WD. Also, with 50+ Jeeps, things will be slow going and our convoy will literally stretch 2 miles long or MORE depending on the dust. IF you don't have a CB, I would highly recommend getting one even if it's a handheld unit as you will miss out on some of the fun.

Now, I say all this because I don't want anyone to come out thinking that we'll be doing some hardcore low range wheeling and then be disappointed. In a lot of ways, this run is our way of starting off the new year by getting people on the forum together and having some fun - kind of a bigass meet-n-greet just out on the trail.

With all that said, if you're still game to join us, I'll be looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Wow. 54 Jeeps! Sounds like a great time. Enjoy, sorry we can't make it
I would love to be added as a maybe for this, trying to work out details so I can make it. Fingers crossed everything works out:yup:
2015 WAYALIFE New Year Kick Off Run

I just booked my room at Buffalo Bills. My wife and daughter will be riding with me. This is our first large run like this. We are coming from Temecula. Please put us in the attending column. My rig is basically stock with a lift on it. But I figured this would be a good run to see some cool stuff and meet some cool people. Thanks
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I would love to be added as a maybe for this, trying to work out details so I can make it. Fingers crossed everything works out:yup:

I'll get you on the maybe list now and will hope that you can make it out :yup:

I just booked my room at Buffalo Bills. My wife and daughter will be riding with me. This is our first large run like this. We are coming from Temecula. Please put us in the attending column. My rig is basically stock with a lift on it. But I figured this would be a good run to see some cool stuff and meet some cool people. Thanks

Awesome! I'll get you on the list now :yup:
Just updated the list and man, I can't believe how many people are signed up to come. Back in 2013, we had 49 rigs come out and it was epic!


So Eddie what are we going
To do Friday night?

LOL!! Honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead. Hopefully it won't be too cold out as I'd love to spend some time checking out all the rigs :yup:

Pretty sure large quantities of honey sting and fun will be involved. 

Oh yeah, you can be sure there'll be a little honey that night :D
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