unofficial Hidden Falls run Sept 30-Oct 2

Let's have a La Quinta party!:bleh:

Wait, this is the unofficial run, right? Or has this one been re-dubbed the official? :crazyeyes:

Lol. I'm an idiot and confusing myself and others. The OFFICIAL run I can make for sure. The UNofficial run (this thread) I'm still trying to work out.
Lol, don't worry man that's not gonna happen.

I'm trying to pre-run the pre-run but work is getting in the way!

:cheesy: :clap2: I wish I could Pre Run the Pre Pre Run so we can make sure the Pre Pre run is ready for the Pre Run, so the official run guys have a good time. ;)
I'm down! someone pic the hotel and we can request a few rooms close together :thumb:


Stock rigs can run the trails. If not that is what straps and winches are for. Bring some recovery gear if you can.

We should nail this down before the weekend is over so we can get some rooms together. Sooner the better. I really don't want to take point on this but if someone wants to, try to keep it in the 80-100 range per night. We don't need a Hilton or Hotel Zaza...just a please to sleep and shower. :icon_crazy: If not no big deal, we will find a place in our price range.

Nobody camping?
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