I just took my time. I had help in the beginning and marked the holes between the two doors, drilled the one on the upper right side and then put the skin back up there to check the alignment, drilled the one on the lower left corner between the doors, then put the skin back up there. Both looked good, not that they could be changed at this point. I installed the the nutserts on those two holes and then reinstalled the skin. Drilled the remaining holes between the doors, removed skins, installed nutserts, reinstalled skins. Drilled the upper two holes on the front and the farthest rear hole on the side, not the one under neath/on the slanted part. Removed skin, installed nutserts, reinstalled skin, drilled the remaining holes, removed skin, installed nutserts, installed skin.
Took some time to do but happy with how it came out. I need to remove one final time to remove the Unlimited sticker off of the front fender as the skins barely cover it so it looks weird. Also need to put silicone on them, planned on removing them soon to remove the sticker so I didnt apply the silicone yet.