Thanks all for the previous comments - appreciated!
I went with the King 2.0. I know the rear rates because I figured those out but Accutune did the fronts and they escape me at the momemt - I'll look those up and post together.
After wheeling with them this weekend, I can't envision any advantage that the 2.5's would have over the 2.0's for what I intend to do. Maybe high speed running but that's all I can think of. This setup was nailed right out of the chute. It's perfect other than it's a tad higher than I hoped. But the springs are brand new so maybe they'll settle in some. The highway ride is better than my JL, other than sharp sudden bumps, then it stiffens very quickly and you get the thump. but on anything else it just floats along. I'm sure the C sidewalls on the Coopers help as well. overall, this rides, handles, and performs better on the highway better than when it as on 37's. And oddly enough, it seems that the engine performs better with the 40's/5:38 gearing better than the 37's/5:13 combo. I didn't expect that. I thought it was gonna be a turd at highway speeds and it's not.