Resident Smartass
Well Still no cage.i called nothridge yesterday because i wanted to figure out what was going on. i got an email saying it was being dropshipped from Rockhard yet the tracking number wasnt working and last time i called northridge had some cages left in stock. i called and talked to Brian and he was confused as well and said he would call me back. Turns out the washington storage didnt have any in stock for 2011+ which is why it was being drop shipped but rockhards cnc machine was broken. he said he found the last one for a 2011+ that they have in colorado and that it would ship today and i would have it thursday. i cant say im happy one bit since i know they had 2011+ cages before i even ordered mine and that im waiting a full 2 weeks when it should have been 2 days to begin with. im only happy because i will finally have it and can try to do the rough install thursday night and friday.
Sounds like a big line of bullshit to me.