The Bone Smuggler Thread

I gotta go, installing rock lights (no, not the ones you idiots all run because daddy says so)

Are you suggesting that, in addition to everything else, daddy has steered us wrong on rock lights too?!?!?

Why, Eddie, why??
You guys are really sorry. Is this what you do all day? Don't you do anything but sit on the comp. and bag on people ? I just did some yard work, come back in and you are still going at it. All I have to do is come back every once in a while, tell you what you already know (you moron) and you guys will be here all day. Have you looked outside ? It's called life out there! I gotta go, installing rock lights (no, not the ones you idiots all run because daddy says so)and a dome light. You girls have fun , I'll check back for the fun of it in a couple of hours. You just stay right here and wait for me, like a puppy.:icon_crazy:

You are a fucktard. I couldn't give two shits if you shit talk me really but you have talked shit about Eddie twice in this thread and have had an issue with him before. He is the one that pays for this free forum that allows you to talk shit to me. You can't respect that your not welcome here.
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Overlander is a big boy and can stick up for himself. I'll answer your question though. Yes, I think he is a good moderator. He knows Jeeps, donates a crap ton of his free time, and I think he is funny. He is one of those guys who will say what most people think but are unwilling to say. I respect that, and I have been doing this long enough to know it is necessary. Besides that, I've wheeled with him and thrown back a few too many beers afterwards. Having done so, I know he can drive his Jeep and I trust him on a run with me. (Before you get a big head assured, you ain't getting a reach around from me no matter how much you ask.)

Your comments speak volumes and attack not only Overlander, but Eddie, Cindy, and every member of this forum. Eddie is not my "daddy"; he is my personal friend and still would be even if neither of us ever saw a Jeep again. I don't recall Eddie even posting in this thread but you attack him anyway. My patience for your comments is done.
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You guys are really sorry. Is this what you do all day? Don't you do anything but sit on the comp. and bag on people ? I just did some yard work, come back in and you are still going at it. All I have to do is come back every once in a while, tell you what you already know (you moron) and you guys will be here all day. Have you looked outside ? It's called life out there! I gotta go, installing rock lights (no, not the ones you idiots all run because daddy says so)and a dome light. You girls have fun , I'll check back for the fun of it in a couple of hours. You just stay right here and wait for me, like a puppy.:icon_crazy:

Dude I did yard work today as well as did a lot of things to help my widowed sister in law who's losing her house and I come back to the forum to see your lousy ass is still here at the top of the feed to give my friends shit, I'm tired of trolls like you polluting this forum.. If I was a moderator your ass would be gone! You have no idea who your talking too! Overlander has done more with his jeep in one day than your pos dinasour has done it's whole life why don't you do yourself & us a favor and get the f outta here please & I'll say that to your face not just on the internet like your fake ass
Dude I did yard work today as well as did a lot of things to help my widowed sister in law who's losing her house and I come back to the forum to see your lousy ass is still here at the top of the feed to give my friends shit, I'm tired of trolls like you polluting this forum.. If I was a moderator your ass would be gone! You have no idea who your talking too! Overlander has done more with his jeep in one day than your pos dinasour has done it's whole life why don't you do yourself & us a favor and get the f outta here please & I'll say that to your face not just on the internet like your fake ass

Your wish is true. He is gone. :D
Dude I did yard work today as well as did a lot of things to help my widowed sister in law who's losing her house and I come back to the forum to see your lousy ass is still here at the top of the feed to give my friends shit, I'm tired of trolls like you polluting this forum.. If I was a moderator your ass would be gone! You have no idea who your talking too! Overlander has done more with his jeep in one day than your pos dinasour has done it's whole life why don't you do yourself & us a favor and get the f outta here please & I'll say that to your face not just on the internet like your fake ass

Easy there, Killer. Lol
There is a history with this member, almost one year ago there was this event, this was his first personal thread:

It is almost like El Niño, hurricane or tornado season, some years have more activity, others less. This year's ban season has been phenomenal :doh:

Edit: forgot to add this screen capture. Just in case anyone was feeling sorry for the newly banned member, it seems he is also banned on the forum that is virtually impossible to banned from!

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There is a history with this member, almost one year ago there was this event, this was his first personal thread:

It is almost like El Niño, hurricane or tornado season, some years have more activity, others less. This year's ban season has been phenomenal :doh:

I've read this too, this is what fueled my anger toward him :yup: sorry guys I met this guy before and really didn't like him and his attitude, I'm really not an angry guy :grayno:
You guys are really sorry. Is this what you do all day? Don't you do anything but sit on the comp. and bag on people?

Shit he knows us all too well...and to think that I missed all of this by sleeping after working 24 of the past 36 hours. The odds are staggering!
:cheesy: Well what the hell happened here? I won't lie, I knew something was going on but tried staying out of it as long as I could because we've been working on a project and needed to get it done before our big trip. Threads like this take up way too much of my time but, I started catching wind that my name was being dragged into the conversation and so I had to give it a look. Having said all that, it would appear that I'm a bit too late to the party - what a bummer. :grayno:

Oh well, I guess it's back to work for me. I hope you all enjoy your weekend :thumb:
:cheesy: Well what the hell happened here? I won't lie, I knew something was going on but tried staying out of it as long as I could because we've been working on a project and needed to get it done before our big trip. Threads like this take up way too much of my time but, I started catching wind that my name was being dragged into the conversation and so I had to give it a look. Having said all that, it would appear that I'm a bit too late to the party - what a bummer. :grayno:

Oh well, I guess it's back to work for me. I hope you all enjoy your weekend :thumb:

Is your job to bring Cindy drinks while she works? :cheesy:
:cheesy: Well what the hell happened here? I won't lie, I knew something was going on but tried staying out of it as long as I could because we've been working on a project and needed to get it done before our big trip.

Oh well, I guess it's back to work for me. I hope you all enjoy your weekend :thumb:

Wait, you mean to tell me that you were working while dahreno was planting Petunias too? We have a reputation to maintain around here Eddie...get back to sitting "on the computer and bag on people all day". SLACKER!!!! :grayno:
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