The Bone Smuggler Thread

You are not a crappy moderator, that's saying you do a crappy job moderating. You don't know how to moderate, don't know what it means, and that name attached to you just means you can be a troll on this site without getting in trouble. Is there an idiot that actually pays you for working 8 hours a day? I wouldn't trust you to sweep my parking lot much less talk with a customer. Nothing against Eddie but, he must have been drunk when he made you a moderator.What a joke
You are not a crappy moderator, that's saying you do a crappy job moderating. You don't know how to moderate, don't know what it means, and that name attached to you just means you can be a troll on this site without getting in trouble. Is there an idiot that actually pays you for working 8 hours a day? I wouldn't trust you to sweep my parking lot much less talk with a customer. Nothing against Eddie but, he must have been drunk when he made you a moderator.What a joke

Sounds a bit jealous to me.
Think of all the benefits of being a Moderator:
Special table at Los Mexicanos
EVO sponsorship
Free Dynatrack 80s - front and rear if you want
Free King shocks
T-shirts and Swag from all kinds of Sponsors of WAL
Free pick of any doors and tops left at Carson Central in mid-June
And a host of other benefits.

Jealousy? If only all the above was real!

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Well, I can't argue with a moron who has only been on here for 8 months and posts 8 times every day. Obviously you don't have a mind of your own and drink the Kool aid. Grow some balls, venture away from the computer, go out side. Most of all, quit believing every thing you read.You should try to drive that big bad Jeep you have and step away from the computer.:cheesy:
You are not a crappy moderator, that's saying you do a crappy job moderating. You don't know how to moderate, don't know what it means, and that name attached to you just means you can be a troll on this site without getting in trouble. Is there an idiot that actually pays you for working 8 hours a day? I wouldn't trust you to sweep my parking lot much less talk with a customer. Nothing against Eddie but, he must have been drunk when he made you a moderator.What a joke

I actually get paid for working 14 hours a day. :eek: crazy huh?

I don't really troll people just dumbasses like yourself because I know your blood is boiling as we go back and forth and I just get a laugh out of it. :D
Well, I can't argue with a moron who has only been on here for 8 months and posts 8 times every day. Obviously you don't have a mind of your own and drink the Kool aid. Grow some balls, venture away from the computer, go out side. Most of all, quit believing every thing you read.You should try to drive that big bad Jeep you have and step away from the computer.:cheesy:

Who are you talking to? It would help if you learned how to use the quote button. If you need help let me know. They actually taught me that in the how to be a crappy moderator 101 class.
You can't tell who I am talking about ? You can't see the only other person giving me a hard time is your boy friend ?You can't see that he has only been here for 9 months ? You are not bright at all. I take it some one did take a chance and let you sweep the parking lot for 14 hours. I also take it that 14 dollars you make makes every body in your household happy. Well good for you !:clap2:
Guess that leaves me out, I joined in Oct 2011, and 8 posts @ day?

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
You can't tell who I am talking about ? You can't see the only other person giving me a hard time is your boy friend ?You can't see that he has only been here for 9 months ? You are not bright at all. I take it some one did take a chance and let you sweep the parking lot for 14 hours. I also take it that 14 dollars you make makes every body in your household happy. Well good for you !:clap2:

Damn $14 a day?! Where can I make that? Maybe I could buy a willy's if I make that much!

I think the "Knows a Thing or Two" label is a bit of a stretch.

View attachment 84889
Maybe he does...

Actually Overlander, I could buy you for the money I have in that Willys. You just wish you could do what I have done. Talk about being jealous .
Well, I can't argue with a moron who has only been on here for 8 months and posts 8 times every day. Obviously you don't have a mind of your own and drink the Kool aid. Grow some balls, venture away from the computer, go out side. Most of all, quit believing every thing you read.You should try to drive that big bad Jeep you have and step away from the computer.:cheesy:

Who's got the big bad Jeep? Shirley can't be talking about any of us.
Oops, this might be my ninth post for the day, what do I win?
Actually Overlander, I could buy you for the money I have in that Willys. You just wish you could do what I have done. Talk about being jealous .

Up to this point I've stayed out of this nonsense because I've met you in person and you seemed like a decent enough guy. Your last several posts have made me think otherwise. As soon as you tried to put other people down based on money, or what you think you have and someone else can't afford, any respect I may have had went right out the window.

Not a warning, a promise:

If you care to stick around then be done with this nonsense. Otherwise, I'll show you the door myself.
You guys are really sorry. Is this what you do all day? Don't you do anything but sit on the comp. and bag on people ? I just did some yard work, come back in and you are still going at it. All I have to do is come back every once in a while, tell you what you already know (you moron) and you guys will be here all day. Have you looked outside ? It's called life out there! I gotta go, installing rock lights (no, not the ones you idiots all run because daddy says so)and a dome light. You girls have fun , I'll check back for the fun of it in a couple of hours. You just stay right here and wait for me, like a puppy.:icon_crazy:
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You guys are really sorry. Is this what you do all day? Don't you do anything but sit on the comp. and bag on people ? I just did some yard work, come back in and you are still going at it. All I have to do is come back every once in a while, tell you what you already know (your morons) and you guys will be here all day. Have you looked outside ? It's called life out there! I gotta go, installing rock lights (no, not the ones you idiots all run because daddy says so)and a dome light. You girls have fun , I'll check back for the fun of it in a couple of hours. You just stay right here and wait for me, like a puppy.:icon_crazy:

Your morons. Irony.
I also liked you when we met. I will apologize for the money statement, it was wrong. Can you tell me if you think Overlander is a good moderator, or just a trouble maker. Be honest. Was my question about how someone ended up with a skid a wrong question ? I don't have any idea of any history these people have with each other. He also was the one who mentioned how a certain person who is no longer here had it, I didn't bring it up. Had I not been rude to after that, I was going to offer to send the skid I have in the shed to the guy.I was going to do what I consider, the right thing. That's what people do, I thought. Okay, out of respect to you. I'm done here. I will only check back to see if you respond to me ! You, my friend, are a moderator ! BTW, it is also your fellow moderator involved with this nonsense.
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