Super Bowl XLIX - Go Seahawks!

Go read the article I posted a few posts back - this team isnt the only one with a little baggage. Look at how the NFL handled Ray Rice vs how theyre handling this.

Ray Rice BEAT HIS WIFE and the NFL was almost oblivious. A minot PSI infraction and THE CRUSADES have been launched against the Pats. Jeeeez.


And so he should get one too!! I think Bill's explantion fits the situation perfectly in his press release
Unless the entire Patriots team develops amnesia and completely forgets how to play the game sometime in the next 5 days, they will blow out the Hawks with ease. Church.

New England isn't Green Bay. Seattle won't have a chance if they only show up to play for 5 minutes like they did last week.

Quite frankly, I'd rather be watching them play the Packers so it might actually be a good game.

And for all the manufactured outrage flying around...
I love how people are getting so worked up about this. It makes for great entertainment. Carry on.


Pretty sure any team calling another team a bunch of cheaters is the pot calling the kettle black

After reading through that, most of what he writes isn't technically cheating. I fail to see how employing someone that gets in to criminal trouble off the field constitutes cheating on the field. He does make some valid points but it seems like a lot of the article is there to make other teams look worse and is not really relevant.
The overall point of the article is that everyone bashes the Patriots like theyre the most unethical organization since Football began. Its largely untrue and every franchise has at least SOMEthing questionable to account for. Hernandez was accused of murder and we dropped him like a bad habit.

When the league takes a stance against the patriots based on the league's integrity and ethical face-saving... its comical compared to some of the items on that list.

Therein lies the point.
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