I have an option to pick up a 10th aniv front bumper. Anyone now if it will fit on an 08' JKUR. Don't see why not. End caps come off and the stubby that's left looks pretty cool
1979 Jeep CJ5 - rccrwlr
2008 Jeep JKUR - pheartmtngot
Not exactly. ANY full width bumper will prevent you from nosing your front tire right up a steep ledge or large boulder that is taller than the bumper itself. In other words, a stock height Jeep with a stubby front bumper will often times have a better approach angle than a moderately lifted Jeep with a full width bumper. I see it all the time. Of course, if you don't crawl, it's definitely a non-issue.
Chris DID NOT hit the 2 antelope centered and the one closest to the center was diverted downward thanks to his stinger. There were big tufts of fur still clinging to the knuckles and passenger side suspension components but, nothing down the middle. Even if it did hit the fender, the most it would have done is torn it off and at least for me, that is a far cry from "massive damage". And, even at that, aside from an animal strike, I have yet to see where a full width bumper has any benefits over a stubby on the trail. Having said that, I would be the first to admit that full size bumpers "look" good and if you don't play on terrain where you could benefit from a stubby, they are definitely a good option to consider. Nothing wrong with making your Jeep look the way you like. :yup:
Not exactly. ANY full width bumper will prevent you from nosing your front tire right up a steep ledge or large boulder that is taller than the bumper itself. In other words, a stock height Jeep with a stubby front bumper will often times have a better approach angle than a moderately lifted Jeep with a full width bumper. I see it all the time. Of course, if you don't crawl, it's definitely a non-issue.
Chris DID NOT hit the 2 antelope centered and the one closest to the center was diverted downward thanks to his stinger. There were big tufts of fur still clinging to the knuckles and passenger side suspension components but, nothing down the middle. Even if it did hit the fender, the most it would have done is torn it off and at least for me, that is a far cry from "massive damage". And, even at that, aside from an animal strike, I have yet to see where a full width bumper has any benefits over a stubby on the trail. Having said that, I would be the first to admit that full size bumpers "look" good and if you don't play on terrain where you could benefit from a stubby, they are definitely a good option to consider. Nothing wrong with making your Jeep look the way you like. :yup:
Just curious how you "crawlers" (those with stubbies) fair in situations where you are on a trail with some brush.
My stubbie offers plenty of protection, and even gives me more clearance on tight turns through trees because the furthest point on a tight turn is now my tire, I don't have to worry about tagging a tree with my bumper, or even hooking small trees etc when backing up.
Not sure I understand the question, we simply drive through or over the brush. :idontknow:
I have never been defeated by sticks or leaves.
To clarify, I was curious if you were on trails with brush do you hang up more compared to a full size bumper that would push down more brush...
Not sure if that helps clarify or not.
I hear ya bro, I have a 6 year old son. We work on my JK together...love to spend quality time father/son bonding!
I would recommend a modified stock front bumper and a winch mounting plate for those Jeepin on a budget.
Well, it wasn't a deer but, chris@offroadevolution did hit 2 antelope doing about 75 MPH and with little more than a Quarter Pounder stubby front bumper. His Jeep came out fine - the antelope, not so fine.
I hear ya bro, I have a 6 year old son. We work on my JK together...love to spend quality time father/son bonding!
I would recommend a modified stock front bumper and a winch mounting plate for those Jeepin on a budget.
I have never been defeated by sticks or leaves.
Yeah my daughter is 6 and loves to be out in the garage wrenching with me. I just got a welder and am going to be teaching my self how. I asked her if she wants to learn and of course she said yes. I just don't know if at 6 its a good idea.Maybe I'l wait a couple years till she is 8...haha
I would wait until my son was in his teens but that's just my personal opinion
I agree I was being sarcastic. Plus I have to learn myself. Don't need a blind leading the blind situation..haha. So for now she is good with using the brad nailer, radial arm saw and working with wood...Those Lowes build and grow work shops have payed off...haha