Stock "cage"???

Thanks Eddie!

There's no doubt in my mind the factory roll bars will put up with SOME abuse... But we've taking these things waaayyyy out of the rhelm of a factory jeep.

I just want to make sure my family is safe... That's all. I dunno what it is about factory cage/roll bar on these things that just seem cheesy to me. I pray to god I never have to find out how good/bad it really is but I just don't trust it.

Time to make some calls. PSC + C Pillar
There's no doubt in my mind the factory roll bars will put up with SOME abuse... But we've taking these things waaayyyy out of the rhelm of a factory jeep.

Just out of curiosity, what would you consider "waaayyyy out of the rhelm of a factory jeep"? Cleghorn? John Bull? I gotta say that short of some of the Hammer trails, there is nothing in SoCal that I personally feel warrants the "need" for anything more than a factory roll bar. But of course, that's just me.

I just want to make sure my family is safe... That's all. I dunno what it is about factory cage/roll bar on these things that just seem cheesy to me. I pray to god I never have to find out how good/bad it really is but I just don't trust it.

If you wheel smart, wheel with friends and have a good spotter, I can almost guarantee that you'll never need to find out. Now, if you're playing in the really big stuff (Hammer Trails, Florence Junction, Carnage Canyon BV) and/or making it a habit to take unnecessary chances just to have fun, a cage is definitely something you should have. Of course, if you have the money, any additional support you can add will not hurt your Jeep. :)
I was talking more about the jeep it self. The weight, power, suspension, tire size being far from factory.

These ain't your grandpappys grocery getters anymore.

I've got trips being planned for Moab, rubicon, Death Valley this coming year. Not to mention this thing will probably see lots of time in the sand in the next few months... Glamis and dumont are my home away from home in the winter.
Anybody know what happened here??


Looks like they rolled.
Looks like it was from pretty high speed crash - maybe multiple rolls? I wouldn't guess you could do that on a trail - unless perhaps falling off a side of a mountain.
Looks like it was from pretty high speed crash - maybe multiple rolls? I wouldn't guess you could do that on a trail - unless perhaps falling off a side of a mountain.

Looks like a tree fell on it, look how the bar above the windshield buckled in the middle and not many scratches down the side.

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..
When I had a custom cage bilk on my jk, I was very surprised how heavy the cage tube was. It was considerably thicker and heavier then the tj, yj, and cj. I also decided to sandwich the tub with metal plates and weld the tubs to tub and frame to prevent noise and bolt wear. There are advantages and disadvantage to welding and bolting to tub
Anybody know what happened here??


Dang hope there ok. This pics scared the crap out of me lol

Good thing if u run doorless topless and windshield less is like nothing ever happened lol : D

I know my English sucks lol
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I put the synergy b pillar and c pillar kit in mine, I wheel with 3 kids so figured I would make sure they are safe, and it's stout.
So I'm curious, for all you guys who feel the need for more protection, how many of you have even seen an actual JK roll or even flop in person? As in, with your own two eyes on the trail and not what you read about or seen on some random pic you found on the internet.
So I'm curious, for all you guys who feel the need for more protection, how many of you have even seen an actual JK roll or even flop in person? As in, with your own two eyes on the trail and not what you read about or seen on some random pic you found on the internet.

That's what's funny, the two times I've flopped on the trail, there wasn't hardly any damage because I was already flexed over so much it didn't have far to fall! No cage necessary. Then the roll I already mentioned would've been fine with a stock cage

05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
So I'm curious, for all you guys who feel the need for more protection, how many of you have even seen an actual JK roll or even flop in person? As in, with your own two eyes on the trail and not what you read about or seen on some random pic you found on the internet.

Never. Neither with one eye nor two. Frankly I haven't even really read about them either, but I have seen some random pics on the internet.
So I'm curious, for all you guys who feel the need for more protection, how many of you have even seen an actual JK roll or even flop in person? As in, with your own two eyes on the trail and not what you read about or seen on some random pic you found on the internet.

I saw my self rolling over on my DREAM :D that counts? Lol

I know my English sucks lol
I have. Up close and personal as an occupant although it wasn't in a JK, it was in a late 60'- early 70's Bronco. Vehicle did a full roll and a 180. It landed on its tires facing the opposite direction we were traveling.

Scary thing was that three of us (everyone but the driver who had the wheel to hold onto) flew out as the roll initiated. The bronco had a bolt-in aftermarket cage. The two of us in the back had matching bruises straight across our quads from hitting the cage on the way out.

Even though we flew out, I swear the cage at least saved the life of the driver. And maybe the rest of us too because of the way the Bronco rolled "over" us without squishing us. And, had we been wearing seatbelts, the cage would have protected us completely. We were young, dumb, drunk, and very, very lucky.

It may be overkill, but every 4x4 that I build to travel off the beaten path will at least have an aftermarket bolt in cage. Seriously though, I will do what I can to avoid needing it because it's not really something I want to do again. I got my one freebie. ;)
While not a JK, back in 2000 I watched my buddy slo-mo flip his XJ at Glamis from about 30 feet away. It was crazy scary. Thankfully no one was hurt. The passenger actually took the quad I was on about 4 mins before this happened and I jumped into another YJ, had he been in the XJ still, he'd likely not be with us today. Since this, I've always been skeptical of most OEM "roll" protection, not because there was something implied to protect in a roll over in the XJ, but simply the fact of watching this first hand. Wanting to over engineer something that will keep you and your precious passengers safer/alive seems like an OK thing to spend money on. My daughters are the most important thing in my Jeep. My fear is rolling on the freeway doing 65 mph on the way home from the trail.
It's not like we're talking about some "HD" hinges that offer no value over stock. ;)
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