Do you think welding to the tub sheet metal provides that much of a benefit over bolting?
probably not, but if you are going to have it torn apart anyways, might as well run a few beads.
Reminds me of the teraflex video. It did its job to a certain extent at least.
Any gain in going with a Synergy weld in cage setup over a bolt in setup?? Obviously the welding part but strength wise??
I like the design of the PS one myself...
Drew, Welcome... And HiJacked like a mofo!!! Hahahaha it's all good.
Good info here, I like the idea of welding in a cage, cleaner, closer, stronger with frame tie ins... I have a welder so cost of welding is not an issue. I knew the Cpillar was weld in, wondering if instead of welding in the bolt in part if I could weld in a frame tie in and bolt it all up so I could potentially remove the cage still if need be.
See that teraflex video scares me... Add a hemi, 37's another couple miles an hour and the added weight of a 4 door + armor and other added weight?? That could end very bad, like a windshield frame slammed into your face!:grayno:
One thing I really like about the bolt in is it can be done in a few hours. I'm getting old and lazy... After 30 it's all down hill. :yawn37:
Decisions decisions
Honestly, I think people tend to give the factory roll bars a bum wrap and based on a whole lot of self-imagined nothing. Fact of the matter is, in the 7 years since the JK has been out, I have seen them withstand flops and even rolls surprisingly well. For a vast majority of people and the kind of wheeling they do, it'll be all they need to protect them and their occupants. Would one benefit from the addition of a bolt in sport cage? Of course. Would a weld in kit be better? Well duh! Are they really needed? For some people, yeah, it probably is but, I don't know too many people who actually wheel as hard as they think they do.
Very true...... But, I will say that when I rolled my fj40 I had no idea it was coming.. Wasn't playing on the rocks, wasn't a super off camber trail, wasn't hardcore, I was just dicking around...
...the small section of sand dunes out at Johnson valley and didn't see a shear cliff..... I tried to turn at the last minute, and I had several feet, but it was sand so it sucked me right over... Last thing I was expecting!
I guess I'm just saying that you never know when it's coming. Heck, it could be rolling down the freeway and you try to swerve around something.
Are you saying that you rolled your FJ on the sand dunes? When you rolled, are you saying that a factory JK roll bar would not have protected you?
Yes it was on the sand, and I don't know what a factory JK bar would've done. I'm guessing It may have broken the windshield fame or something, but still been enough protection.
Haha. I think it scared my brother (4x4jesus) more than it scared me because he saw me disappear over the cliff from the top. I think that's the fastest he ever drove his old samurai!
Another thought I've been considering is that the cage itself is adding weight to the high-side of the rig. The added protection could be the final element that causes the roll. :thinking:
eh, I wouldn't think enough to matter. Either way, I'd still want a cage. Really, my only point was to put things into perspective. I don't like hype fueled by FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) as it tends to get people to spend more money on their Jeep than they may really need.