Sounds to me like your just as much of an asshole as everyone else on here!

:yawn37: How original, you posted up my home address and phone number as if that's never been done before. I'm surprised you didn't include satellite photos or a street view too. :rolleyes2:

You know, all I ever did was ask you to leave. Yep, you really are "one of the nicest guys" I have ever met. :naw:

And all i ever asked was to be banned from the forum but you seem to want to keep me around for some reason.
lol you call me a douche bag? Have you seen your responses and all the others on this thread? Take a long look in the mirror my friend! LONG LOOK!!!!

Actually, I believe YOU should go back and look at my responses. Never once did I cross any line. All I did was try to help you see things from our standpoint. You were the one that went off the deep end.
Funny, it seems the only reason why you're here now trying to get banned is because everyone clearly got under your skin. But hey, what do I know.

lol nobody got under my skin. Just figured i would sit back and watch everyone talk there shit and i would just dish it right back out! Good times! Good times!
My intent was to never get banned. But when Eddie comes across as an asshole in his responses and basically called me a liar then yeah im not going to sit back and just laugh about it. Well i take that back. Im laughing right now. Hell just google Eddie Oh and look at all the shit people talk about him and this forum. Makes you wonder a bit huh

Eddie's initial response was simply stating that you had made multiple posts on the same subject and he merged the thread. I saw nothing assholeish about that. Your lack of understanding on how to use the tools on this forum to find your past posts, does not justify how you have acted here. Simply asking for some help on finding a past post would have been a better route to take.
Queue the : I've heard stories about this forum


You've got the worst reputation in the industry

And quickly changing his profile before he goes off the deep(er) end.

My intent was to never get banned. But when Eddie comes across as an asshole in his responses and basically called me a liar then yeah im not going to sit back and just laugh about it. Well i take that back. Im laughing right now. Hell just google Eddie Oh and look at all the shit people talk about him and this forum. Makes you wonder a bit huh

That didn't take long at all.

What's next you tell us how much money you make and how you know people and we should be scared to run Wayalife banners?

My intent was to never get banned. But when Eddie comes across as an asshole in his responses...

You're right. What an ass I was to say "please stop making multiple threads regarding the same topic." On my forum mind you. God forbid :naw:

...and basically called me a liar

Actually, I was basically giving you grief for making stupid excuses instead of just apologizing and moving on. But hey, if you took it as me saying you were a liar, you would be a better judge of that than me.

...then yeah im not going to sit back and just laugh about it.

Just like the self-proclaimed nice guy that you are.

Well i take that back. Im laughing right now. Hell just google Eddie Oh and look at all the shit people talk about him and this forum. Makes you wonder a bit huh

If you could only hear yourself from where we stand - all the shit people like YOU talk about me and this forum. Makes one wonder a bit.
Looks like theres several princess still here and still commenting on all of this. You can stop responding just as easy there cupcake!

Lol Nah, I'll do as I please. Remember, I'm the one who doesn't have any work to do remember? And you are the troll who continues to spew garbage. :naw:
So I am running 37s on my d30 and looking for a way to make my fancy pointless automated steps work. Where is that thread? Did you delete it? And would the guy with the rooster take a llama in trade?
Damn you figured out who i really was!!!!

The picture of your Facebook page did get under my skin so congratulations. I seriously think I hate you.

You talk shit to others about how much you work and how much you make, yet you have a gofundme account for your Jeep. If anyone actually gave you money for your Jeep then I hate them too. You are the problem with this country.

If I had to take a guess, I would say you do work a lot and probably have a tough job. I would guess you probably don't make a decent hourly wage because of poor decisions early in your life and lack of an education.

You think you're entitled to something because you have a job. Get fucked
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And all i ever asked was to be banned from the forum but you seem to want to keep me around for some reason.

:sigh: Yesterday, before you got all butthurt and set out to get banned from an internet forum like a real man, all I ever asked was for you to leave and nicely at that.

lol nobody got under my skin. Just figured i would sit back and watch everyone talk there shit and i would just dish it right back out! Good times! Good times!

Of course nobody got under your skin. Clearly, you just woke up this morning and like a man with a real job and a real life, set out to troll an internet forum - how silly of me. :crazyeyes:

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