SORRY for the SLOW Forum


Staff member
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that Cindy and I are aware of the slowness of the forum. We are currently working with our server to help remedy the problem and hope to get things up and running faster again soon. We apologize for the trouble and hope you can be patient with us.
Thought it was just me.
Unfortunately, it's not just you. We've been seeing it for a while now and thought we finally got it last night but the problem persists. A big part of the problem has been coming from an overwhelming amount of spam bots signing up and posting on other sites we have/had, namely toasterjeep. We turned it off yesterday and it seemed to help out a lot but this morning, things have been stupid slow at times and we've been getting alerts to load and reaching our max capacity.
Seems to be good now
It was fine for me just depending on what area I was in
It's been hit and miss for us. When it's good, it's really good and when it's slow, it's almost like we're completely down at times.

Hoping to do some updates to see if that will help.
Thanks for working hard to keep Wayalife up and running! Doesn’t matter how fast or slow it is, I still enjoy being on here 👍
We really do appreciate you saying as much.

Not sure why but we've been getting hit hard from china bots. A whole shit ton are from bytedance (tik-tok parent company). Not 100% sure if we can address the real problem/what they're doing to screw us up but we're trying.
Not sure who you are using for hosting and what services they offer but if the feature exists, just block entire countries at the network level. It sucks for the few legitimate folks overseas that enjoy your content but it's effective.
Not sure who you are using for hosting and what services they offer but if the feature exists, just block entire countries at the network level. It sucks for the few legitimate folks overseas that enjoy your content but it's effective.
Thanks. That is something we're looking into now.
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