Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Now Walkie Talkies?!? This was posted about an hour ago

Yeah I was just reading about this. Wild ain’t it? Though I’ve seen speculation Hezbolah had their shit booby trapped in case Mossad got ahold of them but Mossad got ahold of the master command instead.
Yeah I was just reading about this. Wild ain’t it? Though I’ve seen speculation Hezbolah had their shit booby trapped in case Mossad got ahold of them but Mossad got ahold of the master command instead.

Imagine how much fun one could have over there with a couple boxes of cigarette loads! LMAO - they're probably flinching when they push the toaster handle down
This is the America we live in today. 3 in 10 dems believe it would have been better if the orange man bad had been killed…

As in, if YOU don’t agree with what 3 in 10 dems believe, it’d be better if you just died too.
I'm surprised 10 out of 10 democrats are still democrats really.
This is the America we live in today. 3 in 10 dems believe it would have been better if the orange man bad had been killed…

As in, if YOU don’t agree with what 3 in 10 dems believe, it’d be better if you just died too.
Hopefully the other 7 can see that their party is fucking our country and push back against this craziness.
Agreed, that is exactly what they are saying and that’s beyond fucked up. I truly don’t see how our Nation comes back from this divide. There is no middle ground or compromise possible with that. Irreconcilable differences.
We can thank all of our friends who fixed their “White guilt” by voting for obama.
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